Partner map of the environmental partnership Hamburg
The data record contains the master data of the active partners of the Hamburg Environmental Partnership. The environmental partnership is the institution for the promotion of... -
IS RÜK 500 DS - information system raw materials overview map of North Rhine-...
This data record contains the data for the information system raw material overview map of North Rhine-Westphalia 1 : 500,000 (IS RÜK 500). The map gives a generalized overview... -
POI - Technology and Innovation
Points of Interest Points of interest include locations of diverse leisure and infrastructure facilities for the entire Ruhr Metropolis. The descriptive content is updated... -
Water body data according to EU Nitrate Directive 91/676/EC – Reporting 2016 ...
Water data according to EU nitrate directive 91/676/EC -
Digitized aerial photos RVR 1998 - LUBI 1998
The aerial photos are from the years 1998 to 2003 and flown with a ground resolution of 0.5m. The recordings are in color. -
POI - Business Associations and Chambers of Commerce
Points of Interest Points of interest include locations of diverse leisure and infrastructure facilities for the entire Ruhr Metropolis. The descriptive content is updated... -
WFS taxi ranks Hamburg
This WFS (WebFeatureService) contains all taxi ranks within Hamburg. It is irrelevant whether these are on public or private property. The general update rhythm takes place... -
Land value data sets for the state of Brandenburg in 2013
For the standard land values with the key date of December 31, 2012, data are published in the data formats text (csv) and XML based on the EPSG code 25833. The text data... -
POI - company
Points of Interest Points of interest include locations of diverse leisure and infrastructure facilities for the entire Ruhr Metropolis. The descriptive content is updated... -
POI - wholesale markets
Points of Interest Points of interest include locations of diverse leisure and infrastructure facilities for the entire Ruhr Metropolis. The descriptive content is updated... -
Digitized aerial photos RVR 1952 - LUBI 1952
The aerial photos are from the years 1951 to 1980 and flown with a ground resolution of 0.32m. The recordings are in black and white. -
Digital orthophotos RVR 2015 (summer flight) - DOP 2015 summer
Summer flight from 2015 with a ground resolution of 0.2m. -
Digitized aerial photos RVR 1963 - LUBI 1963
The aerial photos date from the years 1963 to 1968 and were flown with a ground resolution of 1.875m. The recordings are in black and white. -
Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) master data 2017 (data set)
The PRTR is a pollutant register that provides information on how many pollutants industrial companies release into the environment and how much waste they dispose of outside... -
True-Orthophotos RVR 2020 - TOP 2020
Summer flight from the year 2020 with a ground resolution of 0.1m. -
Commercial space in the district of Ludwigslust-Parchim
Data set for commercial areas in the district of Ludwigslust-Parchim. Outline of the commercial space offered within the commercial areas in the district of Ludwigslust-Parchim... -
Wärmekataster, Einsparung Wohnen bis 2035 Saarland
Einsparung Wohnen bis 2035: Wärmeeinsparung im Wohngebäudebereich, aggregiert auf die Quartiersfläche als Differenz zwischen dem heutigen Wärmebedarf und dem prognostizierten...