Geomorphological and Hydraulic constraints (PUC geological discipline - group)
Geomorphological and hydraulic constraints (scale 1:5000) containing the identification of areas subject to specific limitations of the building activity, relating to the... -
Sites of Community Importance
This layer contains the Sites of Community Importance of the province of Cremona. I S.I.C. they are areas of particular environmental value identified within the 'Natura 2000... -
Special Protection Zones
The Special Protection Areas are part of the network of natural areas intended for the conservation of biodiversity established by the European Union, and are defined by the... -
Natural reserves
Nature reserves pursuant to art. 11 of regional law 86/83 - Art. 15.1 PTCP legislation. These are surfaces intended for the conservation of particular naturalistic aspects. On... -
Railway infrastructure
railway line layout ex art 49 D.P.R. 753/80 - Art 19.2.b PTCP regulation -
Observation points of the Lombard landscape
Assets and areas protected by the regional landscape plan, approved with DCR n.951 dated 19/01/2010. - article 17, areas of high naturalness; - article 18, area of... -
Roman road network
Axes of the Roman centurial network (kardines, decumani,LIMITES intercisivi) - Art. 16.10 PTCP Regulations -
natural monuments
The natural monuments are established by the Lombardy Region to protect naturalistic areas of reduced extension. In the province of Cremona, 4 natural monuments have been... -
Constraints and superordinate prescriptions - Cultural heritage - Art. 10 Leg...
The dataset contains the buildings subject to Art. 10 Legislative Decree 42/2004 (ex.Restrictions 1089/39) relating to the restrictions and superordinate prescriptions of the... -
Historical centres
This layer has been extracted from the regional database "Environmental bases of the plain"; the most valuable historical centers were extracted from the information layer of... -
Restrictions and superordinate prescriptions - Landscape heritage - Art. 134 ...
The dataset contains the areas of the buildings subject to Art. 134 Legislative Decree 42/2004 (ex.Restrictions 1497/39 and Law 431/85) -
Road network
secondary extra-urban roads under provincial jurisdiction - Art. 19.2.I.c PTCP Regulations -
Area di Tutela Biologica delle acque marino costiere
Area di tutela biologica delle acque marine denomionata "Area fuori Ravenna" istituita con D.M. del 16/03/2004 e modificata con D.M. del 27/09/2006 e successivamente con D.M.... -
aeroporto del Migliaro (Cremona - ICAO:LILR) - Art 19.2.c -
Dissesti areali PAI vigente
Dissesti areali vigenti individuati dall'Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Po all'interno del Piano stralcio di Assetto Idrogeologico (PAI), per i comuni che non hanno ancora... -
PPR06 - Componenti dell'Assetto Insediativo - Edificato Urbano
PPR Assetto Insediativo - Componenti di paesaggioElementi poligonali rappresentanti la suddivisione sotto il profilo paesaggistico delle aree urbane.Questi elementi appartengono... -
autostrada - Art. 19.2.I.a Normativa PTCP -
Rischio archeologico - point
Livello informativo puntuale realizzato su indicazioni della Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici e Paesaggistici di Brescia, rappresentante le zone a rischio archeologico -... -
Rischio idrogeologico molto elevato
Aree a rischio idrogeologico molto elevato - zona 1 - allegato 4.1 P.A.I.- Art.14.7 e Appendice C Normativa PTCP