INSPIRE HH Management Areas / Protected Areas / Regulated Areas and Reporting...
This data set presents content on the subject of "management areas / protected areas / regulated areas and reporting units" from the following source data sets in the INSPIRE... -
INSPIRE HH Statistical Units
This data set contains the static units from the Statistics Office North in the INSPIRE target model. Hamburg was divided into 943 statistical units (as of April 2016) following... -
INSPIRE HH administrative units ALKIS
With this data set, the state border of Hamburg is provided in the INSPIRE target model. The data set was transformed from ALKIS. An additional derivation from ATKIS was... -
INSPIRE HH Statistical Units
This data set contains the static units from the Statistics Office North in the INSPIRE target model. Hamburg was divided into 943 statistical units (as of April 2016) following... -
INSPIRE HH Management Areas / Protected Areas / Regulated Areas and Reporting...
This data set presents content on the subject of "management areas / protected areas / regulated areas and reporting units" from the following source data sets in the INSPIRE...