Pedestrian traffic areas
Dataset containing the area intended for pedestrian circulation, it includes all the portions of the road platform which, within urban areas, are reserved for pedestrian... -
PROVINCE OF MONZA BRIANZA Landscape commissions
Municipalities of the Province of Monza and Brianza suitable for the exercise of landscape functions according to the D.d.g. of the Lombardy Region of 4 September 2014 - n. 804 -
PROVINCE OF MONZA BRIANZA List of Municipalities of the Province of Monza and...
Graphic visualization of the municipal areas of the Province of Monza and Brianza and their contact details. -
Geomorphological and Hydraulic constraints (PUC geological discipline - group)
Geomorphological and hydraulic constraints (scale 1:5000) containing the identification of areas subject to specific limitations of the building activity, relating to the... -
Cycle traffic area
Longitudinal part of the road, appropriately delimited, reserved for the circulation of bicycles. The cycle path can be created: a. in its own location, with one or two... -
Geological Zoning of the Territory
Geological zoning of the territory (scale 1:5.000) containing the indication of the different degrees of susceptibility to use of the territory. The dataset is an annex to the... -
Vegetation map
Vector georeferenced database containing the vegetation map. The method of making this map included the interpretation and mapping of the aerial photographs, the field survey of... -
Observation points of the Lombard landscape
Assets and areas protected by the regional landscape plan, approved with DCR n.951 dated 19/01/2010. - article 17, areas of high naturalness; - article 18, area of... -
Geological map of the Emilia-Romagna Apennines 1:10.000 - Paper edition
With the creation of the geological map on a scale of 1:10,000, the Region intended to equip itself with a detailed cognitive tool, such as to represent the reference base for... -
Geological-environmental itineraries in the Bolognese Hills 1:50.000 - 2001 E...
Among the cities built along the Via Emilia, Bologna is the one to have the closest link with the hills: the reddish buildings of the center merge with the steep slopes covered... -
Map of naturalness - Map of naturalness - Regional Park of the High Modenese ...
Vector georeferenced database containing the map of the naturalness of the vegetation. The map of naturalness was derived from the vegetation map by merging the homogeneous... -
Map of naturalistic value - Regional Park of the Po Delta - Map of naturalist...
Vector georeferenced database containing the map of the naturalness of the vegetation. The map of naturalness was derived from the vegetation map by merging the homogeneous... -
Excursion Map of the Emilia-Romagna Apennines 1:50.000 - Edition 1996 - 2008
Series of sheets at a scale of 1:50,000 concerning the regional and extra-regional mountain-hill territory. The maps, made in color, are currently 15 and show all the... -
Map of the naturalistic value - Regional Park of the Po Delta - Map of the na...
Vector georeferenced database containing the map of the naturalness of the vegetation. The map of naturalness was derived from the vegetation map by merging the homogeneous... -
The dataset contains the Iter.net regional graph. The data relating to municipal roads are not the responsibility of the Province of Pisa, their updating is not guaranteed. -
Town Planning Regulations
The Town Planning Regulations of the Municipality of Vernio were approved with Del. C.C. n.30 of 09.06.2014. The dataset refers to the data modified with the update approved... -
The "road" is identified as the area for public use intended for the circulation of pedestrians, vehicles and animals. The theme describes both the main and secondary mobility... -
Geological-environmental itineraries in the Matildic Lands between Canossa an...
The intent of this work is to induce the reader to rediscover the landscape as a dynamic element, a frame of a continuous evolution where nature "continues" in human history. -
Alta Via dei Parchi map n. 8 - HIGH FORLIVESE AND CESENATE APENNINES - Forest...
The Alta Via dei Parchi starts from Berceto near the Cisa Pass in the Province of Parma and reaches the cliff of Verna - jutting out over the Casentino - to then reach the... -
Map of naturalistic value - Regional Park of the Po Delta - Map of naturalist...
Vector georeferenced database containing the map of the naturalness of the vegetation. The map of naturalness was derived from the vegetation map by merging the homogeneous...