Basic data - Technical Map - Areas of pertinence
In this stratum are grouped the vast areas within which often exist objects of different nature and which belong to different strata and different classes. In this theme the... -
Basic data - B/W technical paper
The dataset contains the area elements of all the territorial objects of the entire municipal territory accompanied by detailed information on the main descriptive... -
Basic data - Technical map - Road conditions, mobility and transport
The layer collects information relating to mobility and transport of whatever nature they are. It describes the modeling by areas which mainly collects the... -
Basic data - Technical map - Orography
This layer includes the topic of altimetry with the description of contour lines and elevation points, the topic of bathymetry with the description of bathymetric curves and... -
Basic data - Technical Paper - Administrative areas
It is the layer that collects the information referring to the main territorial areas of administrative value. The acquisition of the classes of this Strato must refer to areas... -
Basic data - Technical map - Buildings and anthropizations
The layer collects the definition of all those objects that derive from anthropic activity in the territory and which do not constitute transport infrastructure (described... -
Basic data - Technical paper - Vegetation
The vegetation layer defines classes of entities of a vegetal nature grouped according to the following classification: - agro-forestry areas - arranged urban and extra-urban... -
Basic data - Technical map - Hydrography
The "Hydrography" layer collects topics related to the description of water bodies.