Long-term precipitation distribution 1961-1990 (environmental atlas)
Long-term distribution of precipitation in Berlin and the surrounding area. Precipitation for the years 1961-1990 was taken as a basis. For some of the stations, the average for... -
Migration balance with the surrounding area 2010 (LOR)
Difference in arrivals and departures (registrations and departures) with the narrower area in % of the inhabitants in 2010 at the level of the planning areas (Monitoring... -
Climate model Berlin: climate analysis map 2015 - block areas Brandenburg (en...
Factual data of the evaluated settlement areas of the climate analysis map in the surrounding area. -
Migration balance with the surrounding area 2003-2004
Difference in arrivals and departures (registrations and deregistrations) with the narrower area per 100 inhabitants and year (Monitoring Soziale Stadtentwicklung 2006) -
Migration balance with the surrounding area 2009 (LOR)
Difference in arrivals and departures (registrations and departures) with the narrower area in % of the inhabitants in 2009 at the level of the planning areas (Monitoring... -
City Development Plan (StEP) Economy 2030: Spatial concept
The map implements the guidelines of the StEP Economy 2030 in their spatial dimensions and characteristics. -
Long-term precipitation distribution 1981-2010 (environmental atlas)
Long-term distribution of precipitation in Berlin and the surrounding area (entire year, winter and summer months). The precipitation of the water management years 1981-2010 was... -
Migration balance with the surrounding area 2008 (LOR)
Migration balance with the surrounding area in % of the inhabitants in 2008 at the level of the planning areas (E 3 - LOR)(Monitoring of social urban development 2009 at the LOR... -
Urban Development Plan (StEP) Centers 2030
The City Development Plan Centers (in short: StEP Centers) is Berlin's city-wide retail concept. For more than 20 years, the goals for Berlin center and retail development have... -
City development plan (StEP) Economy 2030: Concept plan for action
The map contains the goals and priorities of Berlin's commercial space planning in their spatial dimensions as well as city-wide and location-related measures for implementation. -
City Development Plan (StEP) Economy 2030
The StEP Wohnen 2030 specifies the urban development and housing policy guidelines and goals as well as strategies and fields of action for the development of new buildings and... -
City Development Plan (StEP) Economy 2030: Spatial concept
The map contains the goals and priorities of Berlin's commercial space planning in their spatial dimensions as well as city-wide and location-related measures for implementation. -
City development plan (StEP) Economy 2030: concept plan planning goals
The map shows the commercial building areas with their planned changes and the EpB backdrop and identifies locations to secure parts with disruptive uses as well as locations to...