Emergency Limit Condition - Accessibility and Connection Infrastructures (RND...
Elements with linear geometries (road or sequence of roads) necessary for the creation of connections between strategic buildings, emergency areas and the territorial context... -
Emergency Boundary Condition - Interfering Structural Units (RNDT DATASET) - ...
Elements with polygonal geometries (buildings or parts thereof), isolated or belonging to Structural Aggregates, which interfere with the Accessibility and Connection system and... -
Emergency Boundary Condition - Strategic Buildings (RNDT DATASET) - Version 2.0
Elements with polygonal geometries (buildings or parts of it) which represent the strategic functions for the emergency management system. -
Emergency Limit Condition - Emergency Areas (RNDT DATASET) - Version 2.0
Elements with polygonal geometries (hospitalization and massing areas) that represent the areas in charge of emergency management. -
Emergency Boundary Condition - Interfering Structural Aggregates (RNDT DATASE...
Elements with polygonal geometries (set of contiguous buildings) which interfere with the Accessibility and Connection system and the Emergency Areas.