Fine mapping street Hamburg
The data record contains information on the use and surface material of the individual objects in the street space of the district and main roads. As a rule, all objects in the... -
Sewerage 2017 (environmental atlas)
Information on the type of sewage system and the catchment areas of the rainwater sewer system -
Total runoff from precipitation 2005 (environmental atlas)
The total runoff from precipitation (long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and including the adjacent... -
Seepage from precipitation 2012 (environmental atlas)
The seepage from precipitation (seepage water rate, long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and... -
Total runoff from precipitation 2017 (environmental atlas)
The total runoff from precipitation (long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and including the adjacent... -
Seepage from precipitation 2017 (environmental atlas)
The seepage from precipitation (seepage water rate, long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and... -
Seepage from precipitation 1990 (environmental atlas)
The seepage from precipitation (seepage water rate, long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and... -
Water balance without sealing 2017 (environmental atlas)
Water balance variables without taking into account the sealing and input parameters from the ABIMO model (status 2017), for approx. 25,000 block/block sub-areas of the block... -
Total runoff from precipitation 2001 (environmental atlas)
The total runoff from precipitation (long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and including the adjacent... -
Seepage from precipitation 2005 (environmental atlas)
The seepage from precipitation (seepage water rate, long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and... -
Seepage from precipitation 2001 (environmental atlas)
The seepage from precipitation (seepage water rate, long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and... -
Sewerage 2012 (environmental atlas)
Information on the type of sewage system and the catchment areas of the rainwater sewer system -
Total runoff from precipitation 2012 (environmental atlas)
The total runoff from precipitation (long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and including the adjacent... -
Evaporation from precipitation 2005 (environmental atlas)
Evaporation from precipitation is shown (long-term mean values) as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and including the adjacent... -
Water balance without sealing 2012 (environmental atlas)
Water balance variables including groundwater recharge and input parameters from the ABIMO model (state of affairs 2012), for approx. 25,000 blocks/block sub-areas of the block... -
Surface runoff from precipitation 2005 (environmental atlas)
The surface runoff from precipitation into the sewage system or water bodies is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and... -
INSPIRE NW transport networks ALKIS
The database contains transport networks in the INSPIRE data structure (derived from ALKIS) for the area of North Rhine-Westphalia. Status of the data used: 01/01/2023. -
Road surface layer types according to RLS-19 in Hamburg
The data set contains the road surface layer types according to the guidelines for noise protection on roads (RLS-19) on the Hamburg city road network. It is based on the... -
INSPIRE NW traffic networks ATKIS basic DLM
The database contains the transport networks in the INSPIRE data structure (derived from ATKIS Basis-DLM) for the area of North Rhine-Westphalia. The update cycle is one... -
Sound register of national roads
The web viewer noise register is an interactive map on which you can find up-to-date information about reference points and associated noise production ceilings.