Area types nitrate fertilizer decree, 01/01/2021, correction 19/03/2021
Since January 1, 2019, a new Manure Decree has been in force in Flanders, the 'Decree amending the Decree of 5 April 1995 containing general provisions on environmental policy... -
Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units
Vector file of areas as referred to in the INSPIRE theme 'Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units'. The elements come from the 'Boundaries of... -
WMS Flemish Land Company
Web Map Service with data from the Flemish Land Agency. -
Nitrate-N: mean winter concentration, 2006-2014 (MSRL:NTRA_M06-14)
This layer shows nitrate N: average winter concentration, 2006-2014 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as... -
Area types nitrate fertilizer decree, 01/01/2023
Since January 1, 2019, a new Manure Decree has been in force in Flanders, the 'Decree amending the Decree of 5 April 1995 containing general provisions on environmental policy... -
Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units
Vector file of areas as referred to in the INSPIRE theme 'Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units'. The elements come from the 'Boundaries of... -
Area types nitrate fertilizer decree, 01/01/2021
Since January 1, 2019, a new Manure Decree has been in force in Flanders, the 'Decree amending the Decree of 5 April 1995 containing general provisions on environmental policy... -
Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units
INSPIRE compliant direct transfer service with object types from INSPIRE Annex III Theme 'Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units' (harmonised data). -
WMS Flemish Land Company
Web Map Service with data from the Flemish Land Agency. -
WFS Area types nitrate fertilizer decree
Direct download service for the area types of the nitrate fertilizer decree -
Area types nitrate fertilizer decree, 01/01/2019
Since 1 January 2019, a new Manure Decree has been in force in Flanders, the 'Decree amending the Decree of 5 April 1995 containing general provisions on environmental policy... -
Area types nitrate fertilizer decree, 01/01/2021
Since 1 January 2019, a new Manure Decree has been in force in Flanders, the 'Decree amending the Decree of 5 April 1995 containing general provisions on environmental policy... -
Soil Assessment - Risk of nitrate leaching/soil water exchange (NOG), assesse...
The soil water exchange is a parameter for evaluating the soil as a filter for non-sorbable substances and indicates the risk of relocation for non- or hardly sorbable... -
Area types nitrate fertilizer decree, 01/01/2021, rectification 19/03/2021
Since 1 January 2019, a new Manure Decree has been in force in Flanders, the 'Decree amending the Decree of 5 April 1995 containing general provisions on environmental policy... -
Area types nitrate fertilizer decree, 01/01/2023
Since 1 January 2019, a new Manure Decree has been in force in Flanders, the 'Decree amending the Decree of 5 April 1995 containing general provisions on environmental policy... -
Area types nitrate fertilizer decree, 01/01/2019
Since 1 January 2019, a new Manure Decree has been in force in Flanders, the 'Decree amending the Decree of 5 April 1995 containing general provisions on environmental policy... -
Area types nitrate fertilizer decree, 01/01/2021
Since 1 January 2019, a new Manure Decree has been in force in Flanders, the 'Decree amending the Decree of 5 April 1995 containing general provisions on environmental policy... -
Identification measuring network for areas polluted with nitrate according to...
The Excel table lists all groundwater quality measuring points of the WFD and EEA/nitrate measuring network NRW, which were used for the designation of the "red" areas polluted... -
Areas polluted with nitrate according to § 13a DüV (12/2022) and affected fie...
On the agricultural areas within the areas polluted with nitrate there are stricter requirements for fertilization according to § 13a DüV for reasons of groundwater protection.... -
Potential nitrate discharges in kg N/(ha*a) according to § 8 AVV GeA of the r...
The current agricultural N balance surplus is shown in kg N/(ha*a) as a 4-year average for the period 2016-2019 per reference plot. The data is based on the agricultural N...