Database and inventory of natural stable meadows
Database and inventory of natural stable meadows -
Burnt wooded area
It is detected with GPS instruments by the Regional Forestry Stations, or with graphic editing using the orthophoto. -
Database and inventory of natural stable meadows
Based on the art. 6 of Regional Law 9/2005 concerning the protection of natural stable meadows, the regional administration codifies the natural stable meadows of the plains in... -
Burnt wooded area
It is detected with GPS instruments by the Regional Forestry Stations, or with graphic editing using the orthophoto. -
Naturalistic plans, area plans, management plans and conservation measures of...
The planning of protected areas is divided into area plans and naturalistic plans as regards the regional protected areas (Chapter VIII of the Regional Law n. 19 of 29 June... -
BDN - Traffic light map of fauna species on a 1 km grid
Wildlife archive of the Naturalistic Data Banks of the Piedmont Region, consisting of field observations, bibliographic and collection data, viewable in aggregate form in a... -
BDN – Flora species observations (minimum scale 1:100,000) – dataset
Restricted access dataset - Precise data of the individual floristic observations of the Naturalistic Databases of the Piedmont Region and related detailed files. The floristic... -
BDN – Fauna species observations (minimum scale 1:100,000) – dataset
Restricted access dataset - Precise data of individual faunal observations from the Naturalistic Data Banks of the Piedmont Region and related detailed files. The wildlife... -
BDN - Traffic light map of flora species on a 1 km grid
Floristic archive of the Naturalistic Data Banks of the Piedmont Region, consisting of observations and surveys in the field, bibliography and herbarium data, viewable in... -
Natura 2000 network management plans: environment research
Management plans of the sites of the Natura 2000 network currently in force. The management plans of the Natura 2000 network sites contain both purely regulatory aspects... -
Natura 2000 ZSC/SIC
Sites envisaged by European Directive 79/409/EEC for the protection of avifauna and related habitats for the conservation and increase of biodiversity in Europe. Updated to the... -
Natural biotopes
Perimeters and general information on natural biotopes envisaged by LR 42/96 art. 4 -
Burnt wooded area
It is detected with GPS instruments by the Regional Forestry Stations, or with graphic editing using the orthophoto. -
Natura 2000 SPA
Sites envisaged by European Directive 79/409/EEC for the protection of avifauna and related habitats for the conservation and increase of biodiversity in Europe. Updated to the... -
Natura 2000 Habitat type maps and habitat maps
This layer contains the Habitat Type Maps (HK) and Habitat Maps (LG). Habitat type maps contain the distribution of all habitat types in a Natura 2000 site in year xxxx with a... -
Strategic reservation nature
Strategic reservation nature. Not part of the Netherlands Nature Network (NNN, formerly EHS). The amendment decision NNN Krimpenerwaard 2019 was adopted on April 9, 2019. -
Natura 2000 ZSC/SIC
Siti previsti dalla direttiva europea 79/409/CEE a tutela dell'avifauna e dei relativi habitat per la conservazione e incremento della biodiversità in Europa.Aggiornati alla... -
Biotopi naturali
Perimetri e informazioni generali sui biotopi naturali previsti dalla LR 42/96 art. 4 -
Natura 2000 ZPS
Siti previsti dalla direttiva europea 79/409/CEE a tutela dell'avifauna e dei relativi habitat per la conservazione e incremento della biodiversità in Europa.Aggiornati alla... -
Natura 2000 ZSC/SIC
Sites envisaged by European Directive 79/409/EEC for the protection of avifauna and related habitats for the conservation and increase of biodiversity in Europe. Updated to the...