Burnt Area Monthly Product - Sentinel-3 - Europe
This data set represents the monthly, accumulated results of the final (10-day) version of the fire perimeters from the "Burnt Area Daily NRT Incremental Product - Europe,... -
Sentinel-2 MSI - Vegetation Indices (AGRO-DE) - Germany, Monthly Composites
This product comprises monthly composites and temporal statistics of selected vegetation indices (VI) for all of Germany from 2015 to today in 10m resolution, which were... -
IceLines - Sentinel-1 - Antarctica
IceLines (Ice Shelf and Glacier Front Time Series) is an automated calving front monitoring service providing monthly ice shelf front time series of major Antarctic ice shelves.... -
Burnt Area Monthly Product - Sentinel-3 - Europe
This data set represents the monthly, accumulated results of the final (10-day) version of the fire perimeters from the "Burnt Area Daily NRT Incremental Product - Europe,... -
Sentinel-2 MSI - Vegetation Indices (AGRO-DE) - Germany, Monthly Composites
This product comprises monthly composites and temporal statistics of selected vegetation indices (VI) for all of Germany from 2015 to today in 10m resolution, which were... -
IceLines - Sentinel-1 - Antarctica
IceLines (Ice Shelf and Glacier Front Time Series) is an automated calving front monitoring service providing monthly ice shelf front time series of major Antarctic ice shelves.... -
Protection zone for surface waters
Zone within the area that falls under the scope of the quality mark or WBR and that is included as such in the register Explanation The profile of free space is often partly or... -
Transport pipelines
Pipe or system of pipes through which sewage water is discharged. Origin definition: Aquo -
Casing pipe to protect the transport pipe.