City of Gelsenkirchen: infrastructure data
The infrastructure database or POI database of the city of Gelsenkirchen offers you extensive information about infrastructure in Gelsenkirchen. You currently have the option of... -
Plan hospital care level 1
The hospital plan is an instrument with which the Free State of Bavaria - determines the specific need for capacities for the provision of full and part-time inpatient hospital... -
Digital orthophotos Hamburg
Digital orthophotos: Leaf-free digital orthophotos (DOP20 - all of Hamburg, flight period March/April 2021) were generated from the aerial photo data of the spring survey flight... -
ATKIS digital basis landscape model Hamburg
Announcement: The introduction of GeoInfoDok 7.1 is planned in Hamburg in the 4th quarter of 2023. Do you use our basic geo data? Then check in good time whether you are... -
POI - Hospitals
Points of Interest Points of interest include locations of diverse leisure and infrastructure facilities for the entire Ruhr Metropolis. The descriptive content is updated... -
The data set contains data from the maps of the administrative atlas of Saxony. It includes the locations of hospitals in Saxony. -
City of Gelsenkirchen: infrastructure data
The infrastructure database or POI database of the city of Gelsenkirchen offers you extensive information about infrastructure in Gelsenkirchen. You currently have the option of...