Geological overview map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000 (GÜK200)...
Blatt Frankfurt/Main-West covers part of the Rhenish Slate Mountains with the Saar-Nahe Depression, the Mainz Basin and the Upper Rhine Graben in its southern and southeastern... -
ALKIS - official real estate cadastre information system
The official real estate cadastre information system (ALKIS®) is a product of the working group of the surveying authorities of the federal states of the Federal Republic of... -
Bodenübersichtskarte 1:200.000 (BÜK200) - CC6318 Frankfurt a.M.-Ost
The soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) is prepared by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in cooperation with the State Geological Services (SGD)... -
Soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) - CC4710 Münster
The soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) is prepared by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in cooperation with the State Geological Services (SGD)... -
INSPIRE HE Hydro - Physical Waters ATKIS Base DLM
The database contains physical bodies of water derived from the ATKIS Basis-DLM in accordance with the INSPIRE data specification. -
Soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) - CC5526 Erfurt
The soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) is prepared by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in cooperation with the State Geological Services (SGD)... -
Soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) - CC7110 Mannheim
The soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) is prepared by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in cooperation with the State Geological Services (SGD)... -
Soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) - CC7118 Stuttgart-Nord
The soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) is prepared by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in cooperation with the State Geological Services (SGD)... -
INSPIRE HE Hydro – Physical Waters ATKIS DLM50
The database contains the hydro network derived from the ATKIS DLM50 in accordance with the INSPIRE data specification -
INSPIRE HE Hydro - Network ATKIS Basic DLM
The database contains the hydro network derived from the ATKIS basic DLM in accordance with INSPIRE data specification 1.0.0. -
Presentation graphics PG 10
The presentation graphics on a scale of 1:10,000 are automatically derived from the current ATKIS® base DLM. The street names shown in the graphic come from the ATKIS® basic... -
INSPIRE HE administrative units ATKIS basic DLM
The database contains the administrative units derived from the ATKIS Basis-DLM according to INSPIRE data specification 1.0.0. -
Digital orthophotos (DOP) are managed in ATKIS® according to a national standard. DOP are photo-based, raster-based, geocoded, location-preserving, non-generalized, complete,... -
Motor vehicle stock: Motor vehicle stock, car stock, - federal states / Dtl. ...
Motor vehicle stock: Motor vehicle stock, car stock, - federal states / Dtl. - Deadlines -
Road freight traffic statistics: Goods transported, dispatch/receipt, goods d...
Road freight traffic statistics: Goods transported, dispatch/receipt, goods department/goods groups, corresponding traffic reference/BL, report traffic reference. - SN -... -
Freight traffic statistics of the railways: transported goods, dispatch/recei...
Freight traffic statistics of the railways: transported goods, dispatch/receipt, goods department/goods groups, corresponding federal states, reporting traffic rel. - SN -... -
Goods handled, containers handled (inland shipping): federal states, months
Goods handled, containers handled (inland shipping): federal states, months -
Goods handled, containers handled (inland shipping): federal states, years
Goods handled, containers handled (inland shipping): federal states, years -
Street length: federal states, key date, street class, location
Street length: federal states, key date, street class, location -
Street length: federal states, key date, street class/location
Street length: federal states, key date, street class/location