Plants requiring approval - business premises locations (environmental atlas)
Business premises of the systems and ancillary systems that require approval in accordance with Section 4 of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). -
Fuel consumption of major heating and power plants 2004 (environmental atlas)
The map illustrates the adjustments made to the use of energy sources in the city in recent years, including in the power plant sector. Hard coal and natural gas form the... -
Systems/ancillary systems requiring approval according to § 4 BImSchG (enviro...
Information on systems and ancillary systems requiring approval in accordance with Section 4 of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). -
Fuel consumption of combustion plants requiring approval 2016 (environmental ...
In accordance with the Ordinance on Emission Declarations (11.BImSchV), emission declarations must be submitted for systems requiring approval in accordance with the 4.BImSchV.... -
Fuel consumption of major heating and power plants 2000 (environmental atlas)
The map illustrates the adjustments made to the use of energy sources in the city in recent years, including in the power plant sector. Hard coal and natural gas form the... -
Supply areas building heat and predominant types of heating 2000 (environment...
The map shows a selection of important combined heat and power plants with a heat output of more than 20 MW each. According to the 4th Federal Emission Control Ordinance, these... -
CO2 emissions from plants according to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading A...
Information and emissions data on systems that require approval according to the 4th BImSchV, which are subject to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act (TEHG). The data set... -
Systems/ancillary systems requiring approval according to § 4 BImSchG (enviro...
Factual data on systems in the state of Berlin that require approval according to Sections 4 et seq. of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). -
Fuel consumption of combustion plants requiring approval 2016 (environmental ...
In accordance with the Ordinance on Emission Declarations (11.BImSchV), emission declarations must be submitted for systems requiring approval in accordance with the 4.BImSchV.... -
Heating (power) plants - fossil
Combined heat and power plants, heating plants and other combustion systems that are operated with fossil fuels such as coal, gas or heating oil. -
Fuel consumption of combustion plants requiring approval 2016 (environmental ...
In accordance with the Ordinance on Emission Declarations (11.BImSchV), emission declarations must be submitted for systems requiring approval in accordance with the 4.BImSchV.... -
Systems/ancillary systems requiring approval according to § 4 BImSchG (enviro...
Factual data on systems in the state of Berlin that require approval according to Sections 4 et seq. of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG).