Map layers National Park NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! According to Section 24 of the BNatSchG, national parks are legally binding, uniformly protected areas that are... -
Protected areas-nature conservation in the State of Bremen
Protected areas based on nature conservation law in the state of Bremen The dataset contains the protected areas in the state of Bremen, which are based on national nature... -
Management decrees for the FFH areas in the state of Brandenburg
The data contain the limits of the scope of the decrees for the management of areas of community importance on the basis of §32 paragraph 4 of the Federal Nature Conservation... -
Map layers landscape areas NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! According to § 15 a paragraph 2 of the Landscape Act NRW, the technical contribution of nature conservation and... -
Conservation target ordinances for the FFH areas in the state of Brandenburg
The subject of Conservation Target Ordinances (EZV) contains the limits of the scope of the ordinances setting conservation goals and area delimitations for areas of common... -
Map layer FFH areas NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! The map layer FFH areas (according to the Flora-Fauna-Habitat-Guideline) of the Web Map Service Landscape... -
FFH areas in Germany
FFH areas (area reports by the federal states and the federal government in accordance with the fauna-flora-habitat guideline). -
Fauna-Flora-Habitat (FFH) areas of the state of Brandenburg
FFH areas are areas of community importance according to EU Directive 92/43/EEC (Fauna-Flora-Habitat Directive). Important note: Please note the status of the data. The new...