Cadastral (BRK)
Is updated daily. The land registry is a government-maintained public register of registered property, including immovable property, and the rights established thereon. The... -
Property and management boundaries of roads Province of Zeeland
Limitation of provincial roads based on plots -
Municipal real estate
Property owned and managed by the municipality of Zaanstad -
Kalverhoek (Wormerland Land Registry)
The land registry is a government-maintained public register of registered property, including immovable property, and the rights established thereon. The Kadaster is therefore... -
Eigendom, Maatschappij van Weldadigheid (historie)
In de gemeente Westerveld ligt de ontginningskolonie van de Maatschappij van Weldadigheid. Het betreft hier globaal de gronden in en rond de kernen Frederiksoord en...