WFS Traditionele landschappen
Directe downloadservice voor de traditionele landschappen -
Traditionele landschappen
De indeling van de traditionele landschappen van Vlaanderen dateert van 1985 en was een eerste poging om de regionale verscheidenheid van de historisch gegroeide... -
The dataset of train stations covers the entire country and contains all existing and disappeared train stations in the Netherlands, as they have been and/or are in use since... -
Metro and express tram stops
The dataset metro and express tram stops covers the entire country and contains all 187 existing metro and express tram stops, as they have been in use in the Netherlands since... -
Metro and express tram stops
The dataset metro and express tram stops covers the entire country and contains all 187 existing metro and express tram stops, as they have been in use in the Netherlands since... -
The dataset of train stations covers the entire country and contains all existing and disappeared train stations in the Netherlands, as they have been and/or are in use since... -
WMS Ghent University
Web Map Service with data from Ghent University. -
WMS Ghent University
Web Map Service with data from Ghent University. -
WFS Traditional landscapes
Direct download service for the traditional landscapes -
Traditional landscapes
The classification of the traditional landscapes of Flanders dates from 1985 and was a first attempt to map the regional diversity of the historically developed cultural... -
WFS Traditional landscapes
Direct download service for the traditional landscapes -
Panorama Landscape
Panorama Landscape provides a brief character sketch of the history of the landscape for the whole of the Netherlands - in 78 regions and a separate article about the major... -
The 'mills' dataset contains the country-wide mapping of 'classic' windmills according to the data of the De Hollandsche Molen Association. Only the existing mills or mill... -
Agricultural Peat Reclamations
The map 'Agrarian peat reclamation' offers an overview of characteristic agricultural peat reclamation areas in the Netherlands, primarily defined on the basis of the visible... -
Historic Railways
Brief summary -
Structure carriers of the landscape
Structure carriers are landscape characteristics (elements, patterns) that are characteristic of a certain landscape type. They illustrate the story of that landscape type. -
This dataset includes the Dutch motorways or national roads, constructed between 1937 (section A12) and the present. The construction date and construction year are included in... -
The lignite quarries dataset shows the nine lignite quarries (opencast mining) that the Netherlands has known. In the 20th century lignite mining took place on a modest scale in... -
The map layer of standard orchards shows an inventory made by the Center for Genetic Resources of the Netherlands (CGN) in collaboration with the Dutch Fruit Network (NFN).... -
Meadow mills and wind engines
The dataset 'meadow mills and wind engines' contains the country-wide mapping of these types of mills according to the data of the Vereniging De Hollandsche Molen in the...