INSPIRE download service harmonized Protected Areas - Cultural history ATOM
This download service shows the National Monuments, City and Village Views and the Dutch UNESCO cultural World Heritage. The data has been harmonized in accordance with INSPIRE... -
Point locations and contours of monuments in the Netherlands that have been designated as protected monuments by the Dutch government. These national monuments are of national... -
The dataset of train stations covers the entire country and contains all existing and disappeared train stations in the Netherlands, as they have been and/or are in use since... -
Metro and express tram stops
The dataset metro and express tram stops covers the entire country and contains all 187 existing metro and express tram stops, as they have been in use in the Netherlands since... -
The dataset "coal mines" shows the thirteen mining sites that the Netherlands has known. The oldest was the Domaniale mine in Kerkrade, which was already producing in the 19th... -
The 'mills' dataset contains the country-wide mapping of 'classic' windmills according to the data of the De Hollandsche Molen Association. Only the existing mills or mill... -
The dataset "Cemeteries" is the result of years of inventory by the Bureau Funeraire Advices in collaboration with Bureau Funeralia. All currently known cemeteries are included... -
The lignite quarries dataset shows the nine lignite quarries (opencast mining) that the Netherlands has known. In the 20th century lignite mining took place on a modest scale in...