WFS digital landscape model 1:250 000
This download service provides the digital landscape model 1:250,000 (DLM250) for the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. The DLM250 describes the topographical... -
Digital landscape model 1:250 000
The Digital Landscape Model 250,000 (DLM250) describes the topographical objects of the landscape and the relief of the earth's surface in the Federal Republic of Germany in... -
Topographic map 1:200 000 DDR
The last editions of the topographical map of the GDR in the state edition (AS) and edition for the economy (AV) on a scale of 1:200,000. Both sets of maps were published by the... -
Digital Topographic Map 1:250 000
Georeferenced raster data from the digitally updated topographic map 1:250,000 (DTK250) derived from the DLM250. The map content is available as a summary layer (with the... -
INSPIRE HH administrative units ALKIS
With this data set, the state border of Hamburg is provided in the INSPIRE target model. The data set was transformed from ALKIS. An additional derivation from ATKIS was...