Soil associations and soil types 2010 (environmental atlas)
Soil communities and soil types of unsealed soils, concept map determined from soil investigations and types of use based on the block map 1 : 5,000 (ISU5, spatial reference... -
IS BK 50 soil map of NRW 1 : 50,000 - data set
The data set reproduces the contents of the soil map 1 : 50,000 of North Rhine-Westphalia without page cuts and nationwide. When information is called up from a GIS, each... -
IS BK5 Soil map for agricultural site exploration of NRW 1: 5,000 - data set
Data set of the IS BK5 soil map for the agricultural site exploration of NRW 1: 5,000. The dataset reproduces the content of all digitally processed large-scale soil maps of... -
IS FSK 50 forest location map 1 : 50,000 of NRW (overview map), based on the ...
The data set shows the site properties for forest sites in NRW on a scale of 1 : 50,000. The overall water balance and the natural nutrient supply of the locations are shown. It... -
IS FSK 5 RCP4.5 Forest site map 1:5,000 of NRW, based on the soil map 1:5,000...
The data set shows the site properties for forest sites in NRW on a scale of 1 : 5,000 based on projection data according to climate scenario RCP4.5 for the period 2071-2100.... -
Bodenkundliche Kartierungen - Übersicht
Übersicht über die im Land Berlin durchgeführten bodenkundlichen Gutachten oder Kartierungen bei denen Bodenprofile dokumentiert und/oder großmaßstäbliche Bodenkartierungen...