Criteria for evaluating soil functions 2005 (environmental atlas)
Evaluation criteria for six soil functions based on the block map 1 : 50,000 (ISU50, spatial reference environmental atlas 2005), processing status February 2009. -
Soil Rating - Total Filter Effectiveness (GFW), uniform across the country
The overall filter effect is a parameter for evaluating the soil as a filter for sorbable substances and is evaluated using the mechanical and physico-chemical filter capacity.... -
Soil Assessment - Risk of nitrate leaching/soil water exchange (NOG), assesse...
The soil water exchange is a parameter for evaluating the soil as a filter for non-sorbable substances and indicates the risk of relocation for non- or hardly sorbable... -
Soil assessment - natural productivity (BGZ), assessed nationwide
The natural productivity is a parameter for evaluating the soil as a location for agricultural use and is evaluated using the soil and grassland number. Soil and grassland base... -
Criteria for evaluating soil functions 2001 (environmental atlas)
Evaluation criteria for six soil functions based on the block map 1 : 50,000 (ISU50, spatial reference environmental atlas 2001), processing status August 2005.