Environmental Monitoring Facilities / Schaderregermonitoring in Brandenburg
The data set Environmental Monitoring Facilities / Pest Monitoring in Brandenburg is the data basis of the interoperable INSPIRE display (WMS) and download services (WFS): -... -
Environmental Monitoring Facilities / Schaderregermonitoring in Brandenburg
The data set Environmental Monitoring Facilities / Pest Monitoring in Brandenburg is the data basis of the interoperable INSPIRE display (WMS) and download services (WFS): -... -
Environmental Monitoring Facilities / Schaderregermonitoring in Brandenburg
The dataset Environmental Monitoring Facilities / Pest Monitoring in Brandenburg is the data basis of the interoperable INSPIRE display (WMS) and download services (WFS): - Pest... -
BRO EnvironmentalMonitoringFacilities (INSPIRE harmonized) WMS
This dataset contains groundwater monitoring data from the Basic Registration Subsoil (BRO), harmonized to INSPIRE. Groundwater monitoring means that the state of the... -
BRO EnvironmentalMonitoringFacilities (INSPIRE harmonised) ATOM
This dataset contains groundwater monitoring data from the Basic Registration Subsoil (BRO), harmonized to INSPIRE. Groundwater monitoring means that the state of the...