Shoreline 2018
Shore line (level curve at zero altitude above sea level) of the Emilia-Romagna coastline detected in 2018 with dual-frequency GNSS satellite receivers, in RTK-OTF mode with... -
Bathymetries of the Adriatic - 2014 edition
Bathymetry of the Adriatic in front of the Emilia-Romagna coast with level curves every meter - year of edition 2014 -
Isobate Adriatico RER - RER surveys 2000
Bathymetric curves in digital (vector) format created through different procedures in relation to the type of original data: 1) by digitization from bathymetric maps available... -
SMMS: Bathymetrie (WMS)
Definition: "Bathymetry" refers to the measurement of the topographical shape of the bottom of a body of water. The term is also often - analogous to the word "topography" -... -
Sonar Data - North Sea 2021 9052100
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar Data - Baltic Sea 2020 5082003
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar Data - North Sea 2015 9201510
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar Data - North Sea 2017 9251700
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar Data - North Sea 2014 9091402
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar Data - North Sea 2013 47135
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar Data - Baltic Sea 2018 1151801
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar data - North Sea 2014 99814
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar Data - North Sea 2017 9141708
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar Data - North Sea 2020 9212000
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar data - North Sea 2016 9171601
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar Data - Baltic Sea 2017 5101702
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar Data - Baltic Sea 2019 5091901
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar data - North Sea 2019 9251900
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar data - North Sea 2014 9061401
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or... -
Sonar Data - North Sea 2016 9201602
The present echo sounder data was recorded as part of the sea survey of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, but was not subjected to any further quality assurance or...