Data on soil quality research (Groundwater analysis report in English) are stored in the basic registration subsoil (BRO). The groundwater composition study registration object... -
Data on groundwater level research (Groundwater level data in English) are stored in the basic registration subsoil (BRO). The groundwater level investigation registration... -
Groundwater survey, download service
Data on groundwater level research (Groundwater level data in English) are stored in the basic registration subsoil (BRO). The groundwater level investigation registration... -
Groundwater Monitoring Net
Data about a groundwater monitoring network (Groundwater monitoring network in English) are stored in the basic registration subsoil (BRO). A groundwater monitoring network is a... -
GeoTOP is a three-dimensional model of the layer structure and soil type (clay, sand, gravel and peat) of the shallow subsurface in the Netherlands to a maximum depth of 50 m... -
BRO EnvironmentalMonitoringFacilities (INSPIRE harmonized) WMS
This dataset contains groundwater monitoring data from the Basic Registration Subsoil (BRO), harmonized to INSPIRE. Groundwater monitoring means that the state of the... -
BRO EnvironmentalMonitoringFacilities (INSPIRE harmonised) ATOM
This dataset contains groundwater monitoring data from the Basic Registration Subsoil (BRO), harmonized to INSPIRE. Groundwater monitoring means that the state of the...