WFS Grenzen van wateringen
Directe downloadservice voor de grenzen van wateringen -
Voorlopig referentiebestand gemeentegrenzen
Datasetserie van de versies van de dataset Voorlopig referentiebestand gemeentegrenzen -
Administratieve eenheden
INSPIRE-compatibele raadpleegservice (Initial Operating Capability) met lagen die verband houden met INSPIRE Annex I thema Administratieve eenheden -
WFS Voorlopig referentiebestand gemeentegrenzen 2003
Directe overdrachtdienst voor het Voorlopig referentiebestand gemeentegrenzen 2003. -
Voorlopig referentiebestand gemeentegrenzen, toestand 29/01/2016
Het Voorlopig Referentiebestand Gemeentegrenzen bevat informatie over de afbakeningen van het grondgebied van de bestuurlijke eenheden in het Vlaamse Gewest: Gemeenten,... -
Borders of Wateringen, state 20/01/2023
Areas of authority of Wateringen with the associated administrative information. A watering is a public administration with the task of establishing favorable water management... -
Preliminary reference file for municipal boundaries
Dataset series of the versions of the dataset Preliminary reference file for municipal boundaries -
Borders of Polders, state 20/01/2023
Polder management area with associated administrative information. A polder is a public administration with the task of establishing favorable water management for agriculture... -
Provisional reference file for municipal boundaries, status 22/05/2003
The provisional reference file for municipal boundaries serves as a reference for the boundaries of Flemish municipalities for the GIS Flanders. The location of the municipal... -
Provisional reference file for municipal boundaries, status 16/08/2022
The Preliminary Reference File Municipal Boundaries contains information about the demarcations of the territory of the administrative units in the Flemish Region:... -
WFS Provisional reference file for municipal boundaries 2003
Direct transfer service for the Preliminary reference file for municipal boundaries 2003. -
WFS Preliminary reference file for municipal boundaries
Direct download service for the Preliminary Municipal Boundary Reference File. -
WFS Watering Boundaries
Instant download service for watering boundaries -
WFS Provisional reference file for municipal boundaries 2019
Direct transfer service for the 2019 Preliminary Municipal Boundary Reference File. -
Borders of Polders, state 20/01/2023
Polder management area with associated administrative information. A polder is a public administration with the task of establishing favorable water management for agriculture... -
Borders of Wateringen, state 20/01/2023
Areas of authority of Wateringen with the associated administrative information. A watering is a public administration with the task of establishing favorable water management... -
WFS Borders of Polders
Direct download service for the boundaries of polders -
Provisional reference file for municipal boundaries, status as at 29/01/2016
The Preliminary Reference File Municipal Boundaries contains information about the demarcations of the territory of the administrative units in the Flemish Region:... -
Provisional reference file for municipal boundaries, status 16/05/2018 (valid...
The Preliminary Reference File Municipal Boundaries contains information about the demarcations of the territory of the administrative units in the Flemish Region:... -
Preliminary reference file for municipal boundaries
Dataset series of the versions of the dataset Preliminary reference file for municipal boundaries