Soil Rating - Total Filter Effectiveness (GFW), uniform across the country
The overall filter effect is a parameter for evaluating the soil as a filter for sorbable substances and is evaluated using the mechanical and physico-chemical filter capacity.... -
Digital orthophotos Hamburg
Digital orthophotos: Leaf-free digital orthophotos (DOP20 - all of Hamburg, flight period March/April 2021) were generated from the aerial photo data of the spring survey flight... -
ATKIS digital basis landscape model Hamburg
Announcement: The introduction of GeoInfoDok 7.1 is planned in Hamburg in the 4th quarter of 2023. Do you use our basic geo data? Then check in good time whether you are... -
Raw material geological overview map of the Free State of Saxony 1:400,000 - ...
The map contains the deposits of the following mineral raw materials in Saxony: hard rock, carbonate rock (limestone, dolomite, marble), gravel, gravel sand, sand, clay,... -
Soil Assessment - Risk of nitrate leaching/soil water exchange (NOG), assesse...
The soil water exchange is a parameter for evaluating the soil as a filter for non-sorbable substances and indicates the risk of relocation for non- or hardly sorbable...