Climate model Berlin: Climate analysis map 2015 - Green areas with above-aver...
Factual data and geometries of the green areas with above-average cold air volume flow as part of the 2015 climate analysis map, Brandenburg -
Climate model Berlin: Climate analysis map 2015 - cold air impact areas in th...
Factual data and geometries of the areas exposed to cold air within residential areas in Brandenburg as part of the 2015 climate analysis map -
Klimamodell Berlin: Klimaanalysekarte 2015 - Kaltlufteinwirkbereiche Siedlung...
Sachdaten und Geometrien der Flächen mit Kaltlufteinwirkbereich innerhalb von Siedlungesflächen in Berlin im Rahmen der Klimaanalysekarte 2015 -
Climate model Berlin: climate analysis map 2015 - street areas Berlin (enviro...
Attribute data of the street areas of the climate analysis map (ISU5) within Berlin. -
Climate model Berlin: climate analysis map 2015 - block and partial block are...
Factual data of the evaluated blocks of the climate analysis map (ISU5) within Berlin. -
Climate model Berlin: climate analysis map 2015 - noise protection facilities...
Factual data and geometries of the noise protection facilities as part of the 2015 climate analysis map -
Climate model Berlin: climate analysis map 2015 - block areas Brandenburg (en...
Factual data of the evaluated settlement areas of the climate analysis map in the surrounding area. -
Berlin climate model: climate analysis map 2015 - cold air runoff (environmen...
Factual data and geometries of the areas with cold air outflow as part of the 2015 climate analysis map -
Berlin climate model: climate analysis map 2015 (environmental atlas)
The climate analysis map depicts the planning-relevant actual state of the climate situation. The extent of the urban overheating, compensation performance of cold air-producing... -
Climate model Berlin: climate analysis map 2015 - air exchange paths (environ...
Factual data and geometries of the air exchange paths within the framework of the climate analysis map 2015 -
Climate model Berlin: climate analysis map 2015 - green areas with above-aver...
Factual data and geometries of the proportion of green areas with an above-average volume flow of cold air as part of the climate analysis map 2015, Berlin -
Climate model Berlin: climate analysis map 2015 - wind field changes (environ...
Factual data and geometries of the areas with wind field changes (areas with the potential for increased gusts and sudden wind direction changes) as part of the 2015 climate... -
Climate model Berlin: climate analysis map 2015 - built-up area with climate-...
Factual data and geometries of the built-up areas with a climate-relevant function as part of the 2015 climate analysis map