Digital basic landscape model NW
The Digital Basic Landscape Model (Basic DLM) describes the landscape in the form of topographical objects and represents a presentation-neutral, object-based vector data set.... -
WMS Germany Atlas Accessibility of public transport (stops)
Display service for the data set from https://www.deutschlandatlas.bund.de: Proportion of the population that lives within a maximum of 600 m or, for train stations, 1,200 m as... -
Tram traffic noise 2012
This data set includes tram traffic noise in the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock in 2012 as an isophone representation in the unit decibel for A-weighted sound pressure... -
Historical digital basic landscape model NW
The Digital Basic Landscape Model (Basic DLM) describes the landscape in the form of topographical objects and represents a presentation-neutral, object-based vector data set.... -
Germany Atlas Accessibility of public transport (stops)
Data from https://www.deutschlandatlas.bund.de: Proportion of the population that lives within a maximum of 600 m or, for train stations, 1,200 m as the crow flies of a stop... -
Digital topographic map NW 1:10,000
The Digital Topographic Map 1:10,000 for North Rhine-Westphalia (DTK10 NRW) is a state map series that is automatically derived from object-structured data from the ATKIS® Basic... -
Digital topographic map NW 1:25 000
The DTK 25 is a (digital) topographic map on a scale of 1:25,000. It is derived largely automatically from the data from the Digital Landscape Model NRW and other official... -
Digital topographic map NW 1:100,000
The digital topographic map on a scale of 1:100,000 (DTK100) represents large-scale topographical relationships in an abstract form. -
ATKIS railway route (lines)
A specific section of the rail network, designated by a name and/or number -
ATKIS rail traffic (area)
Includes all areas required for rail traffic -
ATKIS Basic DLM (Presentation Service)
The ATKIS Basic DLM maps the topographical objects of a landscape in the form of vector data and different attribute values. This presentation serves to illustrate the... -
ATKIS rail transport facility (area)
An area with facilities for handling passenger and/or freight traffic on railways