WFS kwetsbare gebieden Nitraatrichtlijn
Directe downloadservice voor de kwetsbare gebieden zoals gerapporteerd onder de Nitraatrichtlijn aan de Europese Commissie. -
Kwetsbare gebieden, toestand 04/12/2019
NiD kwetsbare zones in Vlaanderen zoals gedefinieerd door de Europese Richtlijn 91/676/EEC met betrekking tot de bescherming van water tegen vervuiling veroorzaakt door nitraten... -
WCS Flemish Environment Agency
Web Coverage Service with data from the Flemish Environment Agency. (OGC:WCS transfer service) -
WMS Flemish Environment Agency
Web Map Service with data from the Flemish Environment Agency. -
WFS vulnerable areas Nitrate Directive
Direct download service for the vulnerable areas as reported under the Nitrate Directive to the European Commission. -
WCS Flemish Environment Agency
Web Coverage Service with data from the Flemish Environment Agency. (OGC:WCS transfer service) -
Vulnerable areas, state 04/12/2019
NiD vulnerable zones in Flanders as defined by European Directive 91/676/EEC regarding the protection of water against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources... -
WCS Flemish Environmental Agency
Web Coverage Service with data from the Flemish Environmental Agency. (OGC:WCS transfer service) -
Vulnerable areas, state 04/12/2019
NiD vulnerable zones in Flanders as defined by European Directive 91/676/EEC regarding the protection of water against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources... -
WMS Flemish Environmental Agency
Web Map Service with data from the Flemish Environmental Agency. -
WFS sensitive areas Nitrates Directive
Direct download service for the sensitive areas as reported under the Nitrates Directive to the European Commission. -
WFS sensitive areas Nitrates Directive
Direct download service for the sensitive areas as reported under the Nitrates Directive to the European Commission. -
WMS Flemish Environmental Agency
Web Map Service with data from the Flemish Environmental Agency. -
Vulnerable areas, state 04/12/2019
NiD vulnerable zones in Flanders as defined by European Directive 91/676/EEC regarding the protection of water against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources... -
WCS Flemish Environmental Agency
Web Coverage Service with data from the Flemish Environmental Agency. (OGC:WCS transfer service) -
Vulnerable areas, state 04/12/2019
NiD vulnerable zones in Flanders as defined by European Directive 91/676/EEC regarding the protection of water against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources...