Lead in sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 (MSRL:PB_2000_05-10)
This layer shows lead in the sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 on the coast of Lower Saxony. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part... -
Chrom im Sediment, <20µm
Average value of chromium in sediment in the grain size fraction < 20 µm from 2005 to 2010 from the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural... -
Mercury in sediment, <2000 µm
Average value of mercury in sediment in the grain size fraction < 2000 µm from 2005 to 2010 from the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural... -
Nickel, total in water, 2005-2010 (MSRL:NI_TT05-10)
This layer shows nickel, total in the water, from 2005 to 2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part of... -
Zinc, total in water
Average value of zinc in 1m water depth from 2005 to 2010 from the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas. Status of the database as of... -
Copper in sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 (MSRL:CU_2000_05-10)
This layer shows copper in the sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part of... -
Salinity: mean (surface), 2005-2010 (sh-llur)
Average of the measured values at 1m water depth from 2005 to 2010 from the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas. As of: November 17,... -
Chrom im Sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 (MSRL:CR_2000_05-10)
This layer shows chromium in the sediment, <2000µm, 2005-2010 on the coast of Lower Saxony. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as... -
Nickel, total in the water
Average value of nickel in 1m water depth from 2005 to 2010 from the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas. Status of the database as of... -
Salinity: Summer Mean (Surface), 2006-2014 (MSRL:PSAL_M06-14SU)
This layer shows the salinity: average summer (surface), 2005-2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as... -
Clay in Sediment, <2000 μm
Average of lead in sediment in the grain size fraction <2000µm from 2005 to 2010 from the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas. Status... -
Green algae: max. Degree of coverage, 2010 (MSRL:COV_OP_MAX10)
This layer shows the maximum mapped extent of green algae on the Lower Saxony coast in 2010. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part... -
Arsenic in Sediment, <2000 μm
Average value of arsenic in sediment in the grain size fraction <2000µm from 2005 to 2010 from the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural... -
Zink im Sediment, <20µm
Mean value of zinc in the sediment in the grain size fraction < 20 µm from 2005 to 2010 from the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas.... -
Nitrate-N: mean winter concentration, 2006-2014 (MSRL:NTRA_M06-14)
This layer shows nitrate N: average winter concentration, 2006-2014 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as... -
Blei im Sediment, <20µm, 2005-2010 (MSRL:PB_20_05-10)
This layer shows lead in the sediment, <20µm, 2005-2010 on the coast of Lower Saxony. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part of... -
Oxygen saturation index: mean annual variation, 2005-2010 (sh-llur)
Measurements taken from a depth of 1 m above the seabed. Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas. As of: September 20, 2012. Values from... -
Median waste items 2012-2017
Data from beach litter monitoring on the Schleswig-Holstein Baltic Sea coast. The monitoring along the Fehmarn coast was organized by NABU and carried out with the help of... -
Silicate Si: mean winter concentration, 2006-2014 (MSRL:SLCA_M06-14WI)
This layer shows silicate Si: average winter concentration, 2005-2010 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as... -
Chrom im Sediment, <20µm, 2005-2010 (MSRL:CR_20_05-10)
This layer shows chromium in the sediment, <20µm, 2005-2010 on the coast of Lower Saxony. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as part...