Net migration of children under 6 years 2007 (LOR)
Net migration of children under the age of 6 as a percentage of the population under the age of 6 in 2007 at the level of the planning areas (dynamics 3 - LOR) (data from Social... -
Unemployment rate 2007
Total unemployment as a percentage of the 15-65-year-old population in 2007 at the level of traffic cells (status 1) (Social Urban Development Monitoring 2008) -
Migration balance of children under the age of 6 in 2007
Migration balance of children under the age of 6 as a percentage of the population under the age of 6 in 2007 at the level of traffic cells (dynamic 3) (Monitoring Soziale... -
Foreigners 2007 (LOR) - Polish citizens
Persons with Polish citizenship as a percentage of the population in 2007 at the level of the planning areas (E 14 - LOR) (data from Social Urban Development 2007 at the LOR level) -
Foreigners 2007 (LOR) - from the CIS countries
People from the CIS states as a percentage of the population in 2007 at the level of the planning areas (E 10 - LOR) (data from the Social Urban Development 2007 at the LOR level) -
Proportion of foreigners 2007 (LOR)
Foreigners as a percentage of the population in 2007 at the level of the planning areas (E 5 - LOR) (data from Social Urban Development 2007 at the LOR level) -
migration volume in 2007
Migration volume in % of the inhabitants in 2007 at the level of the traffic cells (dynamic 1)(Monitoring Soziale Stadtentwicklung 2008) -
Non-employable recipients of subsistence benefits and 15 years 2007
Non-employable recipients under the age of 15 of subsistence benefits as a percentage of residents under the age of 15 in 2007 at the level of traffic cells (Status... -
Foreigners 2007 (LOR)- Citizens from all 27 EU countries
People from all 27 EU states as a percentage of the population in 2007 at the level of the planning areas (E 15 - LOR) (data from Social Urban Development 2007 at the LOR level) -
Foreign children and young people 2007
Foreigners under the age of 18 as a percentage of residents under the age of 18 in 2007 at the level of the traffic cells (Status 6)(Monitoring Soziale Stadtentwicklung 2008) -
Foreigners 2007 - Arab Citizens
People with Arabic citizenship as a percentage of the population in 2007 at the level of traffic cells (E 9) (Social Urban Development Monitoring 2008) -
Long-term unemployed 2007 (LOR)
Long-term unemployed as a percentage of the 15-65-year-old population in 2007 at planning area level (Status 3 - LOR) (data from Social Urban Development 2007 at LOR level) -
Foreigners 2007 - Turkish citizens
Persons with Turkish citizenship as a percentage of the population in 2007 at the level of the traffic cells (E 8) (Monitoring Social Urban Development 2008) -
Foreign children and young people 2007 (LOR)
Foreigners under the age of 18 as a percentage of residents under the age of 18 in 2007 at the planning area level (Status 6 - LOR) (data from Social Urban Development 2007 at... -
Foreigners 2007 (LOR) - Citizens from the new (12) EU accession countries
People from the 12 EU accession countries as a percentage of the population in 2007 at the level of the planning areas (E 13 - LOR) (data from Social Urban Development 2007 at... -
Unemployed under 25 years 2007 (LOR)
Unemployed under the age of 25 as a percentage of the 15-25-year-old population in 2007 at the planning area level (Status 2 - LOR) (data from Social Urban Development 2007 at... -
Long-term unemployed in 2007
Long-term unemployment as a percentage of the 15-65 year old population in 2007 at the traffic cell level (Status 3)(Monitoring Soziale Stadtentwicklung 2008) -
Status/Dynamic Index Social Urban Development 2008
Summary of 6 status indicators and 6 dynamic indicators, representation at traffic cell level (Monitoring Soziale Stadtentwicklung 2008) -
Residents with a migration background in 2007
Residents with a migration background as a percentage of residents in 2007 at the level of traffic cells (E 6) (Social Urban Development Monitoring 2008) -
non-profit Recipient of subsistence benefits and 15 years 2007 (LOR)
Non-employable recipients under the age of 15 of subsistence benefits as a percentage of residents under the age of 15 in 2007 at the level of the planning areas (status 5 -...