Klimamodell Berlin: Klimaanalysekarte 2015 - Kaltlufteinwirkbereiche Siedlung...
Sachdaten und Geometrien der Flächen mit Kaltlufteinwirkbereich innerhalb von Siedlungesflächen in Berlin im Rahmen der Klimaanalysekarte 2015 -
Klimamodell Berlin: Lufttemperatur 2015 (Umweltatlas)
Darstellung der Lufttemperatur eines Sommertages als Mittelwerte pro Block(teil)fläche und Rasterwerte in Berlin und Umland (nur Raster). Die Werte sind eine der... -
Klimamodell Berlin: Kaltluftvolumenstrom im Vertiefungsgebiet am Abend 22.00 ...
Bodennahes Windfeld und Luftmassenstrom im Vertiefungsgebiet südlicher Stadtrand-Mitte, Abends 22.00 Uhr zu Beginn einer austauscharmen, sommerlichen Strahlungsnacht. -
Klimamodell Berlin: Bewertungsindex Physiologisch Äquivalente Temperatur 2015...
Darstellung des Bewertungsindexes Physiologisch Äquivalente Temperatur (PET) in Berlin und Umland (nur Raster) in 2 m Höhe um 04 und 14 Uhr in °C in einer austauscharmen... -
Berlin climate model: Analysis maps, climate functions and planning informati...
Distribution and characteristics of various climate parameters, their analytical summary and evaluation in a planning reference map, spatial reference grid and block map 1 :... -
Berlin climate model: Average number of meteorological reference days for the...
Representation of the average number of meteorological reference days for the years 2001-2010 as average values per block (partial) area in Berlin. The characteristic values... -
Climate model Berlin: climate analysis map 2015 - built-up area with climate-...
Factual data and geometries of the built-up areas with a climate-relevant function as part of the 2015 climate analysis map -
Berlin climate model: analysis maps and planning information for urban climat...
Factual data of the blocks for the urban climate planning information map (PHK). It presents the results of the evaluation of the settlement area, the green and open spaces as... -
Berlin climate model: radiation temperature 2015 (environmental atlas)
Representation of the radiation temperature as mean values per block (partial) area and grid values in Berlin and the surrounding area (only grid). The values are one of... -
Berlin climate model: near-surface wind field and air exchange in the evening...
Application of the FITNAH climate model to Berlin and its surroundings. Here: representation of the ground-level air exchange systems, entire city at 10 p.m -
Berlin climate model: ground-level wind field and air exchange in the morning...
Application of the FITNAH climate model to Berlin and its environs in 2001: representation of the ground-level air exchange systems, entire city at 6:00 a.m. -
Berlin climate model: Air temperature in the depression area in the morning a...
Application of the climate model Berlin 2001: air temperature in the area of the deepening area south of the city center in the morning 06.00 at the end of a low-exchange,... -
Berlin climate model: Analysis maps, climate functions and planning informati...
Distribution and characteristics of various climate parameters, their analytical summary and evaluation in a planning reference map, spatial reference grid and block map 1 :... -
Berlin climate model: Cold air volume flow in the depression area in the morn...
Wind field close to the ground and air mass flow in the depression area of the southern outskirts of the city center, 6 a.m. in the morning at the end of a low-exchange,... -
Berlin climate model: air temperature in the depression area in the evening a...
Application of the climate model Berlin 2001: air temperature in the area of the deepening area south of the city center in the evening 10:00 p.m. at the beginning of a... -
Bioklima - Wärmebelastung in der Nacht 2005 (Umweltatlas)
Grundlage für die Ermittlung der bioklimatischen Belastung als Teil der Anwendung des Klimamodells Berlin 2005 ist der Bewertungsindex PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) als...