19 datasets found


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  • GBKV files (CARDIB)

    Large-scale inventory of part of the Flemish territory (without the Province of Limburg). The mapping is mainly limited to the 'apparent' public domain. The maps, initially...
  • DHM-Flanders, grid, 25 m

    The digital elevation model (DHM) is a three-dimensional, digital description of the earth's surface, drawn up under the initiative of the Ministry of the Flemish Community (AWZ...
  • Hillshade DHM-Flanders I, grid, 5m

    Hillshade derived from Digital elevation model of Flanders I, with resolution of 5m x 5m.
  • GBKV files (CARDIB)

    Large-scale inventory of part of the Flemish territory (without Province of Limburg). The mapping is mainly limited to the 'apparent' public domain. The maps, initially created...
  • GBKV files (CARDIB)

    Large-scale inventory of part of the Flemish territory (without Province of Limburg). The mapping is mainly limited to the 'apparent' public domain. The maps, initially created...
  • DHM-Vlaanderen, grid, 100 m

    The digital height model (DHM) is a three-dimensional, digital description of the earth's surface, drawn up under the impetus of the Ministry of the Flemish Community (AWZ -...
  • Hillshade DHM-Vlaanderen I, grid, 5m

    Hillshade derived from Digital height model of Flanders I, with resolution of 5m x 5m.
  • DHM-Vlaanderen, grid, 25 m

    The digital height model (DHM) is a three-dimensional, digital description of the earth's surface, drawn up under the impetus of the Ministry of the Flemish Community (AWZ -...
  • DHM Flanders, grid, 5 m

    Digital height model of Flanders in grid form with a resolution of 5m x 5m. The height values ​​concern the height of the ground level and are expressed in meters TAW (Tweede...
  • DHM Flanders, points

    The digital height model (DHM) is a three-dimensional, digital description of the earth's surface, drawn up under the impetus of the Ministry of the Flemish Community (AWZ -...
  • Digital Terrain Model Level 2 (NGI)

    DTM produced by the NGI, as a regular grid in the World Geodetic System (WGS) and available for Belgium. There are 2 versions of the file. This is the most accurate version,...
  • DHM Flanders, grid, 5 m

    Digital elevation model of Flanders in grid form with a resolution of 5m x 5m. The height values ​​concern the height of the ground level and are expressed in meters TAW (Tweede...
  • Topographic database 1:10,000

    This vector database (under construction) with basic topographic information has a topological structure and is divided into ten layers (coverages). Designed for 1/10,000 scale...
  • Built space

    The built-up space is essentially formed by a dominance of human intervention on the natural condition; this dominance is morphologically readable. The dominance refers both to...
  • DHM-Vlaanderen, grid, 25 m

    The digital height model (DHM) is a three-dimensional, digital description of the earth's surface, drawn up under the impetus of the Ministry of the Flemish Community (AWZ -...
  • Hillshade DHM-Vlaanderen I, grid, 5m

    Hillshade derived from Digital height model of Flanders I, with resolution of 5m x 5m.
  • Digital terrain model 1:10,000

    Digital terrain model, photogrammetrically measured from 1:21,000 aerial photographs and set up in a TIN model (grid of irregular triangles). For the availability of this...
  • DHM-Vlaanderen, grid, 100 m

    The digital height model (DHM) is a three-dimensional, digital description of the earth's surface, drawn up under the impetus of the Ministry of the Flemish Community (AWZ -...
  • Digital terrain model level 1

    The digital terrain model has been produced by NGI as a regular grid in the World Geodetic System (WGS) and is available for Belgium. Based on this DTM in the WGS system, a DTM...
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