ATKIS Basis-DLM (Präsentationsdienst)
Das ATKIS-Basis DLM bildet die topographischen Objekte der Landesfläche von Berlin in Form von Vektordaten und unterschiedlichen Attributwerten, auf der Grundlage des digitalen... -
Fischfauna 1993 (Umweltatlas)
Darstellung des Fischbestandes mit Arten und Gefährdung nach Roter Liste Berlin, Stand 1993. -
ATKIS Fließgewässer (Fläche)
Ein geometrisch begrenztes, oberirdisches, auf dem Festland fließendes Gewässer, das die Wassermengen sammelt, die als Niederschläge auf der Erdoberfläche fallen oder in Quellen... -
WMS Digital Topographic Map 1:250 000
Display service for the digital topographic map 1 : 250,000 (DTK250) for the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Digital Topographic Map 1 : 250,000 (DTK250) is a... -
WCS proportion of structurally shaped settlement and traffic areas in the off...
The indicator describes the potential risk of flooding for built-up areas and traffic areas in a territorial unit. Further information at... -
Historical watercourses in the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock
This map includes the historical watercourses in the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock with information on their designation (data basis: historical cadastral map of the... -
Rivers in the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock and the surrounding area
This data includes the watercourses in the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock and the surrounding area with information on the number, type, order in accordance with... -
Digital Topographic Map NW 1:50 000
The digital topographic map on a scale of 1:50,000 (DTK50) shows national topographical relationships in an abstract form. -
Rivers in the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock and the surrounding area
This map includes the watercourses in the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock and the surrounding area with information on the number, type, order in accordance with... -
Digital topographic map NW 1:10 000, historic
The Digital Topographic Map 1:10,000 for North Rhine-Westphalia (DTK10 NRW) is a national map series that is automatically derived from object-structured data from the ATKIS®... -
WMS share of water area in area
The indicator describes the proportion of water surface in a territorial unit. Further information at http://www.ioer-monitor.de/index.php?id=44&ID_IND=F11RG -
WCS water edge density
The indicator records the lengths of all smaller watercourses (3 m average width) as linear elements as well as the edge lengths of larger watercourses (6 m average width) and... -
Water stationing map 3E NRW (edition 30.11.2019)
The water stationing map (GSK) with the associated directories forms the basis for a nationally coordinated system for the allocation of data and information on flowing water,... -
WFS proportion of built-up settlement and traffic areas in the officially det...
The indicator describes the potential risk of flooding for built-up areas and traffic areas in a territorial unit. Further information at... -
Historical Digital Landscape Model 50 NW
The Digital Landscape Model 50 (DLM50) describes the landscape in the form of topographical objects and represents a presentation-neutral, object-based vector database. It is... -
WMS proportion of structurally shaped settlement and traffic area in the offi...
The indicator describes the potential risk of flooding for built-up areas and traffic areas in a territorial unit. Further information at... -
Digital topographic map NW 1:50 000 black and white
The black-and-white edition of the digital topographical map at a scale of 1:50,000 (DTK50 SW) shows supra-regional topographical connections in an abstract form. the settlement... -
German base map NW 1:5 000
The German base map 1:5000 (DGK5) was the topographic base map series in North Rhine-Westphalia until February 2016. It will be replaced by the official base map 1:5000 (ABK). -
WCS Share of water area in area
The indicator describes the proportion of water surface in a territorial unit. Further information at http://www.ioer-monitor.de/index.php?id=44&ID_IND=F11RG. Registration... -
Historical watercourses in the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock
This data includes the historical watercourses in the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock with information on their designation (data basis: historical cadastral map of the...