10 datasets found

Tags: GBKV

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  • GBKV files (CARDIB)

    Large-scale inventory of part of the Flemish territory (without the Province of Limburg). The mapping is mainly limited to the 'apparent' public domain. The maps, initially...
  • GBKV-bestanden (Interelectra)

    Grootschalige inventaris van een deel van het Vlaamse grondgebied (Provincie Limburg). De kartering beperkt zich hoofdzakelijk tot het 'schijnbaar' openbaar domein. De kaarten,...
  • GBKV-bestanden (CARDIB)

    Grootschalige inventaris van een deel van het Vlaamse grondgebied (zonder Provincie Limburg). De kartering beperkt zich hoofdzakelijk tot het 'schijnbaar' openbaar domein. De...
  • GBKV files (CARDIB)

    Large-scale inventory of part of the Flemish territory (without Province of Limburg). The mapping is mainly limited to the 'apparent' public domain. The maps, initially created...
  • GBKV files (Interelectra)

    Large-scale inventory of part of the Flemish territory (Province of Limburg). The mapping is mainly limited to the 'apparent' public domain. The maps, initially created by the...
  • Large scale base map of Leuven

    A large-scale basic map of the entire territory of the city of Leuven, up to and including the municipal border of the surrounding municipalities. The entire surface of the city...
  • GBKV files (CARDIB)

    Large-scale inventory of part of the Flemish territory (without Province of Limburg). The mapping is mainly limited to the 'apparent' public domain. The maps, initially created...
  • GBKV files (Interelectra)

    Large-scale inventory of part of the Flemish territory (Province of Limburg). The mapping is mainly limited to the 'apparent' public domain. The maps, initially created by the...
  • GBKV files (CARDIB)

    Large-scale inventory of part of the Flemish territory (without Province of Limburg). The mapping is mainly limited to the 'apparent' public domain. The maps, initially created...
  • GBKV-bestanden (Interelectra)

    Grootschalige inventaris van een deel van het Vlaamse grondgebied (Provincie Limburg). De kartering beperkt zich hoofdzakelijk tot het 'schijnbaar' openbaar domein. De kaarten,...
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