Water balance 2012 (environmental atlas)
Water balance variables including groundwater recharge and input parameters from the ABIMO model (status 2012), for approx. 25,000 blocks and sub-block areas based on the block... -
Water balance 2017 (environmental atlas)
Water balance variables including New groundwater formation and input parameters from the ABIMO model (as of 2017), for approx. 25,000 block and partial block areas based on the... -
Distance to groundwater in 1995 (environmental atlas)
Representation of the ground distance (distance between the top edge of the ground and the free groundwater surface) in 7 layer levels and indication of confined groundwater... -
Distance to groundwater in 2002 (environmental atlas)
Representation of the ground distance (distance between the top edge of the ground and the free groundwater surface) in 7 layer levels and indication of confined groundwater... -
Differentiated groundwater distances in 2009 (environmental atlas)
Depth of groundwater below the terrain surface - distance to the ground, with an accuracy of 5m, differentiated -
Differentiated groundwater distances in 2006 (environmental atlas)
Depth of groundwater below the ground surface - distance from ground -
Distance to groundwater in 2020 (environmental atlas)
Depth of groundwater below the terrain surface - ground spacing, in scale-dependent accuracy, ground water spacing at low groundwater levels -
Groundwater-dependent ecosystems (environmental atlas)
The map was developed as a basis for the initial description of groundwater, which is to be carried out within the framework of the EU Water Framework Directive. -
Distance to groundwater in 2020 (environmental atlas)
Grid data with a grid width of 1 m of the field distance and the areas without usable quaternary aquifers before being converted into isosurfaces by linear interpolation. -
Versickerung aus Niederschlägen ohne Versiegelung 2012 (Umweltatlas)
Sachdaten zur Karte Versickerung aus Niederschlägen ohne Berücksichtigung der Versiegelung 2012 (Umweltatlas) wobei die Versiegelung für alle Flächen auf 0 gesetzt wurde... -
Verdunstung aus Niederschlägen 2005 (Umweltatlas)
Dargestellt wird die Verdunstung (langjährige Mittelwerte) als Mittel über die Gesamtfläche der dargestellten Flächen (versiegelte und unversiegelte Anteile) -
Evaporation from precipitation 2017 (environmental atlas)
Evaporation is shown (long-term mean values) as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts) -
Total runoff from precipitation 2005 (environmental atlas)
The total runoff from precipitation (long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and including the adjacent... -
Seepage from precipitation 2012 (environmental atlas)
The seepage from precipitation (seepage water rate, long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and... -
Total runoff from precipitation 2017 (environmental atlas)
The total runoff from precipitation (long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and including the adjacent... -
Seepage from precipitation 2017 (environmental atlas)
The seepage from precipitation (seepage water rate, long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and... -
Expected mean highest groundwater level (ZEMHGL) - distance to groundwater (e...
Corridor of the expected mean highest groundwater level of the main aquifer in the Warsaw-Berlin glacial valley and the Panketal aquifer. -
Seepage from precipitation 1990 (environmental atlas)
The seepage from precipitation (seepage water rate, long-term mean values) is shown as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts and... -
Seepage from precipitation 2017 (environmental atlas)
The seepage from precipitation is shown (seepage water rate, long-term mean values) as an average over the total area of the areas shown (sealed and unsealed parts) -
Water balance without sealing 2017 (environmental atlas)
Water balance variables without taking into account the sealing and input parameters from the ABIMO model (status 2017), for approx. 25,000 block/block sub-areas of the block...