4 datasets found

Tags: BWG

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  • Watermap

    Water map with factual data from the water directory within the meaning of the BWG, including the official water numbers of Berlin, according to the specifications of a...
  • Watermap

    Water map with factual data from the water directory within the meaning of the BWG, including the official water numbers of Berlin, according to the specifications of a...
  • Gewässerkarte

    Gewässerkarte mit Sachdaten des Gewässerverzeichnisses im Sinne des BWG einschließlich der amtlichen Gewässernummern von Berlin, nach Vorgabe eines bundeseinheitlichen Systems...
  • rightoffirstrefusal

    Nature conservation and landscape protection areas, extensive natural monuments, protected landscape components, nature parks, FFH areas, Natura 2000 and SPA areas (current,...
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