WFS Agglomerations Urban Wastewater Directive
Direct download service for the Agglomerations Urban Wastewater Directive. -
Sewage treatment plants UWWTD 2018, status 16/07/2020
Coordinates of individual treatment plants that must be reported according to European Council Directive 91/271/EEC on urban waste water. -
Rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties UWWTD 2018, toestand 16/07/2020
Coördinaten van individuele zuiveringsinstallaties die moeten gerapporeerd worden volgens richtlijn 91/271/EEC van de Europese raad over stedelijk afvalwater. -
Agglomeraties UWWTD 2018, toestand 16/07/2020
Coördinaten van de agglomeraties die een afvalwatervolume genereren gelijk of groter dan 2000 inwoners equivalenten. Deze stedelijk afvalwater agglomeratie voor Vlaanderen zijn... -
Kwetsbare gebieden UWWTD 2018, toestand 16/07/2020
Georefereerde informatie over kwetsbare gebieden in Vlaanderen. De kwetsbare gebieden zijn gedefinieerd zoals opgelegd in richtlijn 91/271/EEG van de Europese Raad betreffende... -
Lozingspunten UWWTD 2018, toestand 16/07/2020
Coördinaten van individuele uitlaten van zuiveringsinstallaties of inzamelingssystemen in Vlaanderen die moeten gerapporteerd worden volgens richtlijn 91/271/EEC van de Europese... -
WFS Agglomeraties Richtlijn Stedelijk afvalwater
Directe downloadservice voor de Agglomeraties Richtlijn Stedelijk afvalwater. -
WFS Agglomerations Urban Wastewater Directive
Direct download service for the Agglomerations Urban Wastewater Directive. -
Utilities and Public Services - Urban Wastewater Directive - Wastewater Treat...
To INSPIRE theme Utilities and government services harmonized sewage treatment plants (WWTPs) as reported to the European Commission for the EU Urban Wastewater 2020 report. -
Agglomerations UWWTD 2018, status 16/07/2020
Coordinates of the agglomerations generating a waste water volume equal to or greater than 2000 population equivalents. These urban waste water agglomerations for Flanders are... -
Sewage treatment plants UWWTD 2018, status 16/07/2020
Coordinates of individual treatment plants to be reported according to Directive 91/271/EEC of the European Council on urban waste water. -
Discharge points UWWTD 2018, status 16/07/2020
Coordinates of individual outlets of treatment plants or collection systems in Flanders that must be reported according to directive 91/271/EEC of the European council on urban... -
Vulnerable areas UWWTD 2018, status 16/07/2020
Geo-referenced information about vulnerable areas in Flanders. The sensitive areas are defined as required by European Council Directive 91/271/EEC on urban waste water treatment. -
Discharge points UWWTD 2018, status 16/07/2020
Coordinates of individual outlets of treatment plants or collection systems in Flanders that must be reported according to directive 91/271/EEC of the European council on urban... -
Vulnerable areas UWWTD 2018, status 16/07/2020
Geo-referenced information about vulnerable areas in Flanders. The sensitive areas are defined as required by European Council Directive 91/271/EEC on urban waste water treatment. -
Sewage treatment plants UWWTD 2018, status 16/07/2020
Coordinates of individual treatment plants to be reported according to Directive 91/271/EEC of the European Council on urban waste water. -
Agglomerations UWWTD 2018, status 16/07/2020
Coordinates of the agglomerations generating a waste water volume equal to or greater than 2000 population equivalents. These urban wastewater agglomerations for Flanders are... -
WFS Agglomerations Urban Waste Water Directive
Direct download service for the Agglomerations Urban Waste Water Directive. -
WFS Agglomerations Urban Waste Water Directive
Direct download service for the Agglomerations Urban Waste Water Directive. -
Area management, restricted areas, regulated areas and reporting units - Urba...
According to INSPIRE theme Utilities and government services harmonized agglomerations as reported to the European Commission for the purposes of the EU Urban Wastewater Report...