Stats 2002
{{description}} -
Long-term development of air quality, NOx emissions, domestic fuel, 2002 (env...
Representation of the NOx emissions of the household fire polluter group in 2002, as of 2006 -
Long-term development of air quality SO2 emissions from motor vehicle traffic...
Presentation of the SO2 emissions of the polluter group motor vehicle traffic in 2002, as of 2006 -
Long-term development of air quality SO2 emissions industry 2002 (environment...
Presentation of the SO2 emissions of the industry polluter group in 2002, as of 2006 -
Long-term development of air quality NOx emissions industry 2002 (environment...
Representation of the NOx emissions of the polluter group industry 2002, status 2006 -
Long-term development of air quality, SO2 emissions, household fuel, 2002 (en...
Presentation of the SO2 emissions of the household fire polluter group in 2002, as of 2006 -
Long-term development of air quality NOx total emissions 2002 (environmental ...
Presentation of the total emissions of the polluter groups industry, domestic heating and motor vehicle traffic in 2002, as of 2006 -
Long-term development of air quality NOx emissions from motor vehicle traffic...
Presentation of the NOx emissions of the polluter group motor vehicle traffic overall network 2002, status 2006 -
Long-term development of air quality SO2 total emissions 2002 (environmental ...
Presentation of the total emissions of the polluter groups industry, domestic heating and motor vehicle traffic in 2002, as of 2006 -
EasyGSH-DB: Bathymetry isolines (1996-2016)
Data generation: The basis for bathymetric products are rasterized bathymetric models, which are created using the functional soil model, a data-based hindcast simulation model,... -
EasyGSH-DB: Hydrodynamik 2002 (WCS)
The EasyGSH-DB: Hydrodynamics 2002 (WCS) coverage service contains the products of the hydrodynamic analyzes from the EasyGSH-DB project. Literature: - Hagen, R., et.al.,... -
EasyGSH-DB: Hydrodynamik 2002 (WMS)
The map service EasyGSH-DB: Hydrodynamics 2002 (WMS) contains the products of the hydrodynamic analyzes from the EasyGSH-DB project. Literature: - Hagen, R., et.al., (2019),... -
EasyGSH-DB: Eulitoral (2002, 2012)
Eulitoral or intertidal zone is the area that dries up at low tide. For further information, please refer to the information portal (http://easygsh.wb.tu-harburg.de/) and the... -
Aerial photo 2002
An aerial photograph is an image of part of the Earth's surface, photographed from a high vantage point away from the Earth's surface, usually from an aircraft. -
EasyGSH-DB: Bathymetrie 2002
Definition: "Bathymetry" refers to the measurement of the topographical shape of the bottom of a body of water. The term is also often - analogous to the word "topography" -... -
EasyGSH-DB: PP - Eulittoral, Tidal Flats & Mussel Potential Map (WMS)
The map service EasyGSH-DB: PP (Protototypical Products) of the Eulittoral, Tidal Flats and Mussel Potential Map (WMS) for the years 2002, 2012 (Eulitoral), 2004, 2014 (tidal... -
EasyGSH-DB: PP - Eulittoral, Tidal Flats & Mussel Potential Map (WFS)
The EasyGSH-DB feature service: PP (prototypical products) of the Eulittoral, Tidal Flats & Mussel Potential Map (WFS) for the years 2002, 2012 (Eulitoral), 2004, 2014... -
EasyGSH-DB: Hydrodynamik 2002 (WFS)
The EasyGSH-DB: Hydrodynamics 2002 (WFS) feature service contains the products of the hydrodynamic analyzes from the EasyGSH-DB project. Literature: - Hagen, R., et.al., (2019),... -
Aerial photo 2002
An aerial photograph is an image of part of the Earth's surface, photographed from a high vantage point away from the Earth's surface, usually from an aircraft.