Group Layer Habitat Types (Area, Lines, Point)
The habitats are recorded in the specialist topic biotope types as part of the biotope mapping and are presented differently according to their characteristics -
Group layer vegetation types (area, point)
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! The vegetation types map layer of the Web Map Services Landscape Information Collection (WMS LINFOS) shows the... -
Protected areas in the INSPIRE data model (protected areas under nature conse...
The protected areas represent the Berlin protected areas according to nature conservation law including Natura 2000. They are described by attributes of the INSPIRE data model... -
Kartenlayer Gänseschongebiet NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! According to § 2 of the ordinance on hunting times (state hunting times ordinance) of the state of North... -
Group layer vegetation surveys (area, point)
The vegetation recordings are basic information for many projects in nature and environmental protection. The recordings show the complete species inventory of plants with their... -
Map layer FFH areas NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! The map layer FFH areas (according to the Flora-Fauna-Habitat-Guideline) of the Web Map Service Landscape... -
Map layers landscape areas NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! According to § 15 a paragraph 2 of the Landscape Act NRW, the technical contribution of nature conservation and... -
Map layer nature parks NRW
The map layer nature parks can be selected in the web map service landscape information collection (WMS LINFOS) and shows the spatial location of the nature parks in North... -
Group Layer Habitat Types (Area, Lines, Point)
The habitats are recorded in the specialist topic biotope types as part of the biotope mapping and are presented differently according to their characteristics -
Map layer RAMSAR NRW
The RAMSAR map layer shows the spatial distribution of wetlands of international importance under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Habitats... -
Landscapes in North Rhine-Westphalia
The dataset landscape areas in North Rhine-Westphalia contains regional geodata on biogeographical regions in the sense of the INSPIRE Annex III topic "Biogeographical Regions".... -
Digital basic landscape model
The content of the basis - DLM is defined in the basis feature type catalog (basis-OK) and was supplemented, as in other federal states, with a few state-specific feature types.... -
Protected areas in the INSPIRE data model (protected areas under nature conse...
The protected areas represent the Berlin protected areas according to nature conservation law including Natura 2000. They are described by attributes of the INSPIRE data model... -
Digital Basic Landscape Model (ATKIS®)
The ATKIS® Basis-DLM describes the topographical objects of the landscape in vector format. The objects are defined by their spatial position, their geometric type, descriptive... -
Map layer areas for protection of nature
The areas for the protection of nature include in particular the - areas worthy of nature conservation secured by the technical planning and - other habitats worthy of nature... -
Map layer areas for nature protection
Areas for the protection of nature are to be secured for the establishment of a state-wide network of biotopes and to be preserved, developed and, as far as possible, connected... -
Map layer wilderness areas NRW
The NRW wilderness areas map layer includes the wilderness development areas in the state forest of North Rhine-Westphalia that have been designated in North Rhine-Westphalia... -
Map layer avenue cadastre NRW
Important note: The data set is updated daily under OpenData NRW! With the amendment of the landscape law in 2007, the legal protection of avenues was also introduced in North... -
Digital Topographic Map 1:250 000
Georeferenced raster data from the digitally updated topographic map 1:250,000 (DTK250) derived from the DLM250. The map content is available as a summary layer (with the... -
Securing large-scale characteristic landscapes by preserving and promoting traditional, extensive forms of land use and by developing and testing new, particularly gentle...