Traffic levels in Hamburg
Traffic counts are carried out at regular intervals in the Hamburg area. The results of these counts are primarily used for traffic planning and to determine traffic development... -
The geometries represent the maximum permitted speeds in the Berlin road network as exceptions to the general 50 km/h (50 km/h is only shown on the motorways). Via the factual... -
The geometries represent the maximum permitted speeds in the Berlin road network as exceptions to the general 50 km/h (50 km/h is only shown on the motorways). Via the factual... -
Emission values NOx, PM10, PM2.5, SO2 1989 to 2009 (environmental atlas)
Development of air quality from 1989 to 2009: NOx, SO2, particulate matter emissions based on a 1x1km grid -
Traffic volumes DTV 2019 (environmental atlas)
Number of motor vehicles per 24 hours including trucks and motorcycles (average daily traffic volume DTV), processing status 2019.