Tragewegenregister (WFS)
The slow road register contains the inventoried slow roads in Flanders. This is understood to mean: roads that primarily serve slow traffic (pedestrians, cyclists and/or horse... -
Tragewegenregister (WMS)
The slow road register contains the inventoried slow roads in Flanders. This is understood to mean: roads that primarily serve slow traffic (pedestrians, cyclists and/or horse... -
Projects Delta Plan Agricultural Water Management WFS
Overview of projects in which farmers, water boards and other parties work under the banner of the Delta Plan for Agricultural Water Management to improve water quality, better... -
Area management, restricted areas, regulated areas and reporting units - Mari...
Framework Directive Marine Strategy marine waters Netherlands. This is the area of application for the MSFD for the Netherlands. The area is also one of the marine reporting... -
Amplitude of the tide in the North Sea Download service
Amplitude of the tide: 1) difference between NLLAT2018 and NLGEO2018 2) difference between NLLAT2018 and GRS80 ellipsoid 3) difference between NLGEO2018 and GRS80 ellipsoid -
RD info WFS
Overview of the location of the RD points, GNSS reference stations and GNSS core network points in the Netherlands with the corresponding descriptions and coordinates in the...