Coast line
Vectorial description of the stretches of coast taken from Lidar data and compared with the corresponding orthophoto. -
Coastal Physiographic Units - Dataset
Subdivision of the Italian coast into morphological physiographic units, i.e. into stretches of coast with homogeneous characteristics in which it is believed that sedimentary... -
Foto Aeree della fascia costiera 1995 - grafici di volo
Il dato costituisce la copertura dell'ingombro dei fotogrammi del rilievo aereo eseguito sulla fascia costiera della regione Sardegna nel 1995, commissionato dalla Regione... -
Coastline Aerial Photos 2001 - flight graphs
The data constitutes the coverage of the encumbrance of the frames of the aerial survey carried out on the coastal strip of the Sardinia region in 2001 commissioned by the... -
Landscape assets art. 142 c.1, let. to Legislative Decree 42/2004 - Coastal t...
The vector file concerns the delimitation of the coastal territories included in a strip of depth of 300 meters from the shoreline, also the elevated territories on the sea,... -
Coastal defense works - Dataset
The coverage of the Italian territory, supplied with the color orthophotos taken with Flight IT2000, was the source of information regarding the digitization of the coastline.... -
Coastline Aerial Photos 1999 - flight charts
The datum constitutes the coverage of the encumbrance of the frames of the aerial survey carried out on the coastal strip of the Sardinia region in 1999, commissioned by the... -
Coastline Aerial Photos 1998 - flight charts
The data constitutes the coverage of the size of the frames of the aerial survey carried out on the coastal strip of the Sardinia region in 1998, commissioned by the Autonomous... -
PPR06 - Coastal strip
PPR Environmental Structure - Landscape heritage pursuant to art. 143 Legislative Decree 42/04 and subsequent mod. Linear element representing the "overall landscape asset"... -
Coastline Aerial Photos 1987 - flight charts
The data constitutes the coverage of the size of the frames of the aerial survey carried out on the coastal strip of the Sardinia region in 1987, commissioned by the Autonomous... -
Coastline Aerial Photos 2002 - flight graphs
The data constitutes the coverage of the encumbrance of the frames of the aerial survey carried out on the coastal strip of the Sardinia region in 2002 commissioned by the...