INSPIRE: Map of Mineral Resources of Germany 1:1,000,000 (BSK1000)
The BSK1000 (INSPIRE) provides the basic information on the spatial distribution of energy resources and mineral raw materials (‘stones and earth’, industrial minerals and ores)... -
INSPIRE: German Borehole Locations - Baden-Württemberg (GBL)
The GBL (INSPIRE) represents mechanically drilled boreholes approved by the State Geological Surveys of Germany (SGS). Most of the drilling data were not collected by the SGS,... -
INSPIRE: Airborne geophysical surveys for mapping the shallow subsurface in G...
Since the eighties BGR carries out helicopter borne measurements in Germany as well as in neighbouring and distant countries. In particular a series of continuous areas on the... -
INSPIRE: Information system salt structures: planning basis, selection criter...
InSpEE (INSPIRE) provides information about the areal distribution of salt structures (salt domes and salt pillows) in Northern Germany. Contours of the salt structures can be... -
INSPIRE: Geoscientific Map of Germany 1:2,000,000 - Geology (GK2000 Geologie)
The GK2000 Geologie (INSPIRE) represents the surface geology of Germany on a scale of 1:2,000,000. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the content of... -
INSPIRE: German Borehole Locations - Saxony-Anhalt (GBL)
The GBL (INSPIRE) represents mechanically drilled boreholes approved by the State Geological Surveys of Germany (SGS). Most of the drilling data were not collected by the SGS,... -
INSPIRE: The General Geological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:250,...
The GÜK250 (INSPIRE) represents the surface geology of Germany on a scale of 1:250,000. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the content of the... -
INSPIRE: Organic Matter Content of Top-Soils in Germany 1:1,000,000 (BUEK1000...
The map ”Organic Matter Content of Top-Soils in Germany 1:1,000,000 (INSPIRE)” highlights the results of a Germany-wide compilation of typical soil organic matter contents in... -
INSPIRE: German Borehole Locations - Hamburg (GBL)
The GBL (INSPIRE) represents mechanically drilled boreholes approved by the State Geological Surveys of Germany (SGS). Most of the drilling data were not collected by the SGS,... -
INSPIRE: Geological Map of Germany 1:1,000,000 (GK1000)
The GK1000 (INSPIRE) represents the surface geology of Germany and adjacent areas on a scale of 1:1,000,000. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the... -
INSPIRE: German Regional Seismic Network (GRSN)
The German Regional Seismic Network (GRSN) consists of seismological stations equipped with 3-component broadband seismometer and digital data aquisition system. The recorded... -
INSPIRE: The 1:5 Million International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent ...
The IGME5000-EU (INSPIRE) represents the pre-quaternary bedrock geology (onshore and offshore) of the European map on a scale of 1:5,000,000. According to the Data Specification... -
INSPIRE: Geoscientific Map of Germany 1:2,000,000 - Important deposits (GK200...
The GK2000 Lagerstätten (INSPIRE) shows deposits and mines of energy resources, metal resources, industrial minerals and salt on a greatly simplified geology within Germany on a... -
INSPIRE: Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:25...
The KOR250 (INSPIRE) in the scale of 1:250,000 shows occurrences and deposits of mineral resources in Germany, which lie close to the Earth’s surface, i.e. can be mined in... -
INSPIRE: German Borehole Locations - Berlin (GBL)
The GBL (INSPIRE) represents mechanically drilled boreholes approved by the State Geological Surveys of Germany (SGS). Most of the drilling data were not collected by the SGS,... -
INSPIRE: Unconventional hydrocarbons (non-conventional hydrocarbons)
Nicht-konventionelle KW (INSPIRE) presents the results of the NiKo project according to data specifications Energy Resources (D2.8.III.20) und Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0). NiKo... -
INSPIRE: German Borehole Locations - Thuringia (GBL)
The GBL (INSPIRE) represents mechanically drilled boreholes approved by the State Geological Surveys of Germany (SGS). Most of the drilling data were not collected by the SGS,... -
INSPIRE: EMODnet-DE - Offshore Geology - Quaternary (EMODnet-DE Quaternary)
Compilation of the European Quaternary marine geology (section of Germany). The map consists of data at highest available spatial resolution, map scale... -
INSPIRE: German Borehole Locations - Saxony-Anhalt (GBL)
The GBL (INSPIRE) represents mechanically drilled boreholes approved by the State Geological Surveys of Germany (SGS). Most of the drilling data were not collected by the SGS,... -
INSPIRE: Information system salt: planning basis, selection criteria and esti...
Which salt formations are suitable for storing hydrogen or compressed air? In the InSpEE-DS research project, scientists developed requirements and criteria for the assessment...