Digital Topographic Map 1 : 10,000 - Preliminary Edition 3541-SW Brandenburg ...
The preliminary output consists of georeferenced raster data of the scanned topographic map 1 : 10 000 (TK10). In the future, the DTK is to be derived from the basic DLM. The... -
Topographic map 1 : 25 000 (derived from the ATKIS basic landscape model) - 4...
The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models and the official real estate cadastre information system ALKIS and visualized according to the... -
Topographic map 1 : 25 000 - State edition (1981-1989) N-33-97-B-d Zaatzke
The topographic map series referred to as the State Edition (AS) primarily had a military purpose and was classified as Confidential Classified Information. At a scale of 1 :... -
ATKIS - Digitales Basis-Landschaftsmodell - 4041-NW Cobbelsdorf
The digital basic landscape model (ATKIS-Basis-DLM) is a digital, object-structured vector database. It determines the topographical objects of the real world by location and... -
Hydrogeological Map of Thuringia 1:200,000 - Upper Aquifer (Aquitard)
The data set shows the distribution and hydrogeological properties of the upper aquifers in Thuringia on a scale of 1:200,000 and is part of the map series Hydrogeological Map... -
Topographic map 1 : 10 000 (derived from the ATKIS basic landscape model) - 3...
The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models and the official real estate cadastre information system ALKIS and visualized according to the... -
Digital Geological Map of Thuringia 1:200,000 - Geological Area Units
The "Digital Geological Overview Map of Thuringia 1 : 200,000" is a clear representation of the geology of Thuringia. It consists of the individual maps “Precenozoic (hard rock... -
Topographic map 1 : 25 000 - Edition State (1981-1989) M-33-15-A-a Züllsdorf
The topographic map series referred to as the State Edition (AS) primarily had a military purpose and was classified as Confidential Classified Information. At a scale of 1 :... -
Digital topographic map 1 : 10,000 - provisional edition 3546-SW Berlin - Mar...
The preliminary output consists of georeferenced raster data of the scanned topographic map 1 : 10 000 (TK10). In the future, the DTK is to be derived from the basic DLM. The... -
Digital Topographic Map 1 : 10 000 - Preliminary Edition 4548-NO Lauchhammer
The preliminary output consists of georeferenced raster data of the scanned topographic map 1 : 10 000 (TK10). In the future, the DTK is to be derived from the basic DLM. The... -
Digital field block cadastre
The digital field block cadastre (DFBK) is an agricultural area cadastre. It contains all agriculturally used and eligible areas in the states of Brandenburg and Berlin with... -
Digital Topographic Map 1 : 10 000 - Preliminary Edition 3340-SO Stechow
The preliminary output consists of georeferenced raster data of the scanned topographic map 1 : 10 000 (TK10). In the future, the DTK is to be derived from the basic DLM. The... -
04 Hoher Fläming Nature Park, hiking map 1 : 50,000; Reissue publisher MLUK
In cooperation with the administrations of the large protected areas, with district administrations, district trail masters and tourist facilities, topographical leisure maps 1... -
Maps of the German Empire 1 : 25,000, Messtischblatt 4152 Peitz
From 1875, the year the Prussian state survey was founded, surveying in the style of the 1:25,000 measuring table sheets began and was essentially completed by 1912. The retakes... -
Digital Topographic Map 1 : 25 000 - 4043 Blönsdorf
The digital topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official real estate cadastre information system ALKIS and visualized... -
Digital topographical map 1 : 10 000 - 3144-SO Kremmen - Hohenbruch
Vector data from the basic DLM are generalized for the digital topographic maps and processed according to the ATKIS signature catalogue. The digital data can be submitted via... -
Axes running water
Data set of the biotope network axes of the watercourses and coasts. More detailed information on the methodology used has been published as Issue 96 in the publication series... -
Digital Topographic Map 1 : 10 000 - 2747-SO Wichmannsdorf
Vector data from the basic DLM are generalized for the digital topographic maps and processed according to the ATKIS signature catalogue. The digital data can be submitted via... -
The geometries represent the maximum permitted speeds in the Berlin road network as exceptions to the general 50 km/h (50 km/h is only shown on the motorways). Via the factual... -
Topographic map 1 : 10,000 (derived from the ATKIS basic landscape model) - 3...
The topographic maps are generated from digital landscape and terrain models and the official real estate cadastre information system ALKIS and visualized according to the...