Precipitation - historic gridded daily precipitation sum in the Netherlands f...
Historic gridded files of daily precipitation sum in the Netherlands from 1910-2015 based on observations of the voluntary network. The time interval is 08:00-08:00 UT. The... -
Wind - model statistics for 1979-2013 at 10-200 meters above the North Sea - ...
The KNW (KNMI North Sea Wind) atlas is based on the ERA-Interim reanalyses dataset which captures more than 40 years (January 1979 - August 2019) of meteorological measurements... -
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2085 GL
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2085 GL. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations. -
Precipitation - KNMI14 Daily precipitation sum 2085 WL
KNMI14 scenario data: 2085 WL. Gridded files of daily precipitation sum in the Netherlands measured on 294 locations of the voluntary network from 08:00-08:00 UT. -
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2085 GH
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2085 GH. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations. -
Precipitation - daily unvalidated precipitation sum in near real time
-PROVISONALLY UNVALIDATED DATA- Gridded files of daily unvalidated precipitation sum in the Netherlands measured on 100-300 locations of the voluntary network from 08:00-08:00... -
Meteo data - Observations from Decima, Japan, 1700-1860
In the framework of a long-term joint co-operation between Japan and KNMI aimed at climate reconstruction of Japan in its pre-instrumental era, we now explored the availability... -
Evaporation - gridded daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands.
Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands Based on 7 -35 automatic weather stations of the KNMI. -
EURADCLIM: The European climatological gauge-adjusted radar precipitation dat...
The European climatological gauge-adjusted radar precipitation dataset, EURADCLIM, addresses the need for an accurate (sub-)daily precipitation product covering 8000000 square... -
Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas - hourly wind speed from LES runs on an area around...
Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA) project - daily files with LES hourly-averaged wind speeds for three Dutch wind parks Dissemination of high-resolution (time: 10mins; space:... -
Wind - model time series from 1979 to 2013 (35 years) at 10-200 meters above ...
The KNW (KNMI North Sea Wind) atlas is based on the ERA-Interim reanalyses dataset which captures more than 40 years (January 1979 - August 2019) of meteorological measurements... -
Territories of agri-environmental and climate projects (PAEC) 2020-2022 in Îl...
The PAEC is a territorial project led by a local operator and which allows farms in the territory to subscribe to agro-environmental and climate measures ( MAEC): the... -
Air quality - CITEAIR index until 2020
Dataset showing the CITEAIR – Air Quality indices calculated from 2013 to 2020 The CITEAIR index (Common Information To European AIR) does not is more topical. It has been... -
Air quality - ATMO index from 2021
Dataset allows to determine the number of days when the air quality is considered to be "good" to "extremely bad", based on the new ATMO index as of January 1, 2021. The ATMO... -
Air quality - Average concentration - NO2 - PM2.5 - PM10 - O3 from 2004 to 2014
Dataset of annual average pollutant concentrations (rolling average of the last 3 years) for the nitrogen dioxide NO2, PM10 particles, PM2.5 fine particles and Ozone O3 from... -
Air quality - Sectoral emissions of NOx - PM2.5 - PM10
Jeu de données portant sur les émissions sectorielles d’oxyde d’azote NOx, de particules PM10 et de particules fines PM2.5 Les émissions désignent les quantités de... -
Air quality – Number of days when thresholds are exceeded - NO2 - PM10 – O3
Dataset determining the number of days for each pollutant, Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – Particles ( PM10) – Ozone (O3) where information and alert thresholds have been exceeded.... -
Air quality – Exposure of Parisians to NO2 and PM2.5
Dataset determining annually the number of Parisians at home subjected to a exceeding regulatory values or WHO recommendations. Every year, Airparif has the regulatory... -
Air quality - Average concentration - NO2 - PM2.5 - PM10 - O3 from 2015
Dataset of annual average pollutant concentrations (rolling average of the last 3 years) for the nitrogen dioxide NO2, PM10 particles, PM2.5 fine particles and Ozone O3 from... -
Inventory of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in the Parisian territory
Dataset listing greenhouse gas emissions annually by activity sector. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory exercises make it possible to identify the contribution of...