Prove geognostiche (WMS)
WMS relating to geognostic evidence, acquired on the entire regional territory of the plain using pre-existing archive material: Regional Technical Papers with location of the... -
DBTR2013 - Accesso - (ACC_GPT)
Each access is represented by a location point. An access may or may not be characterized by the presence of the street number plate, a driveway may or may not correspond to it,... -
Geological map, 1:25.000 - Polygonal geomorphological and anthropic elements ...
Georeferenced vector type database, containing the geomorphological and anthropic elements in polygonal form, surveyed as part of the national geological cartography project... -
Regional Technical Paper 1:5.000 - Updated edition
This is technical cartography created with the traditional methods of aerial photogrammetry. The map is represented in the Gauss-Boaga projection, framed in the Gauss-Boaga... -
Map of naturalistic value - Regional Park of the Po Delta - Map of naturalist...
Vector georeferenced database containing the map of the naturalness of the vegetation. The map of naturalness was derived from the vegetation map by merging the homogeneous... -
land use year 2000
this dataset contains the thematic map of land use structured in land use classes extrapolated from the numerical archives of the regional technical cartography (C.T.R. scale... -
DBTR2013 - Linear artifact - (MAL_GLI)
Artifact that cannot be acquired by measure whose spatial component therefore degenerates into a line. -
DBTR2013 - Row of trees - (FIL_GLI)
Trees in rows, represented when it is not possible to return the single tree belonging to the row (distance of less than 2 m) or when it concerns rows of tree cultivation (fruit... -
DBTR - Comune (Sottoarea) - (COM_GPGSA)
It defines the sub-area of the municipality. This Edition includes the new Municipalities of Montecopiolo and Sassofeltrio: G.U. no. 142 of 16 June 2021 - Law 28 May 2021, n.... -
Vegetation map (WFS)
WFS of the Vegetation of the Emilia-Romagna Region -
DBTR - Dig - (DIG_GPG)
Hydraulic work built along a stream with the aim of regulating its flow downstream and its level upstream or to create a reservoir or artificial lake to accumulate water -
DTM - DEM with filling of closed depressions
DEM stands for Digital Elevation Model. RASTER type data (ESRI GRID format), made up of square cells with sides of 10m. Each cell contains the Height information relating to the... -
DBTR2008 - Diga (Sotto area) - (DIG_GPGSA)
Hydraulic work built along a stream with the aim of regulating its flow downstream and its level upstream or to create a reservoir or artificial lake to accumulate water. (Subarea) -
Geological database, 1:10.000 - Particular geological processes - 10k
Vector georeferenced database, containing the polygonal areas that have undergone particular geological processes. The geographical area covered includes the regional Apennine... -
DBTR2008 - Rete vertices - (VRT_GPT)
It includes the vertices of general geodetic networks (IGM, etc.); in the current version, only the data from the municipal NC of Forlì and Forlimpopoli have been converted and... -
Administrative Limit - (LAM_GLI) 2020 Edition - 25k
Corresponds to the axis of the conventional sign, simplified for scales from 1:10000 to 1:50000, and represents the geometric position of the boundary line. It coincides with... -
DBTR2013 - Access (Projection) - (ACC_PROIEZ_GPT)
Projection of the Access on the road grid. -
DBTR - Area serving rail transport - (ITS_FER_GPG)
Areas pertaining to rail transport, intended for parking and maneuvering of vehicles, for the shelter and storage of wagons. Rail transport passes through or is adjacent to such... -
1853 - Historical Land Use Vector Coverages - 2011 Edition (Polygons)
The regional territory is covered by the Austrian Topographic Map (scale 1:86.400) and, for a small portion, by the Topographic Map of the mainland States of His Majesty the... -
DBTR2008 - Channel - (CAN_GLI)
It is a watercourse created by man with the insertion of a construction (canal) in natural or artificial materials for the purpose of supplying, irrigation, drainage, diversion,...