Mainz color 2014
Aerial photos in color Mainz, date of the flight: 2014, 10 cm -
Historical DOP20
Digital orthophotos with a ground pixel size of 20x20cm² (ATKIS®-DOP20) are produced from aerial photographs of the country's aerial surveys. The perspective distortions of the... -
Ortho image Freiburg i. Br. - 2021 (summer / leafy) (20cm)
Aerial survey of the entire Freiburg urban district on June 1st, 2021. The grid resolution is 20 cm, the data is "Open Data". -
Aerial photos of the city of Trier 2009
Digital orthophotos (DOP) of the Trier city area from 2009 with a ground resolution of 10 cm. -
Overview tile designation data class DOP10 long-term storage Hamburg
The map service shows the boundaries of the digital orthophotos (DOP) 10cm leafless in Hamburg. With the help of the boundaries, a geo-referenced search of the DOPs in the... -
Digital orthophotos (DOP) are managed in ATKIS® according to a national standard. DOP are photo-based, raster-based, geocoded, location-preserving, non-generalized, complete,... -
mDRONES4rivers-project: UAV-imagery of the project area Kuehkopf Knoblochsaue...
Spatially and temporally high-resolution data was acquired with the aid of multispectral sensors mounted on UAV and a gyrocopter platform for the purpose of classification. The... -
mDRONES4rivers-project: UAV-imagery of the project area Laubenheim at the Rhi...
Spatially and temporally high-resolution data was acquired with the aid of multispectral sensors mounted on UAV and a gyrocopter platform for the purpose of classification. The... -
Orthobild Freiburg i. Br. - 2009 (50cm)
Aerial survey of the entire Freiburg city district in spring 2009 in leafless vegetation. The grid resolution is 50 cm, the data is "Open Data". -
Digital surface models (bDOM20)
Like the DOM, the image-based DOM (bDOM) depicts the earth's surface and the objects on it at the time the aerial photographs were taken. The bDOM is derived from point clouds,... -
ATKIS-DOP20 Saxony-Anhalt (WMS 1.3)
Representation of the digital orthophotos with a ground pixel size of 20x20cm² as a web map service. -
mDRONES4rivers-project: UAV-imagery of the project area Nonnenwerth at the Rh...
Spatially and temporally high-resolution data was acquired with the aid of multispectral sensors mounted on UAV and a gyrocopter platform for the purpose of classification. The... -
Aerial survey of the Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony in the framework of the Tri...
Aerial survey of the Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony as part of the Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Program (TMAP) 2003. Areas: the coastal foreland in the Dollart (Ems... -
WMS ST DOP update overview (WMS 1.3)
The service provides an overview of how up-to-date the DOP of the LVermGeo Sachsen-Anhalt is. Ground resolution: 2000m -
ATKIS-DOP20 Saxony-Anhalt
Digital orthophotos with a ground pixel size of 20x20cm² (ATKIS®-DOP20) are produced from aerial photographs of the country's aerial surveys. The perspective distortions of the... -
ATKIS-DOP40 Saxony-Anhalt
Digital orthophotos with a ground pixel size of 40x40cm² (ATKIS®-DOP40) are produced from aerial photographs of the country's aerial surveys. The perspective distortions of the... -
ATKIS-DOP40 Saxony-Anhalt (WMS 1.3)
Representation of the digital orthophotos with a ground pixel size of 40x40cm² as a web map service. -
Digital orthophotos 2013, City of Leipzig
Orthophotos are georeferenced aerial photos rectified into a flat reference area. A digital terrain model, the reference area and identical control points serve as the basis.... -
mDRONES4rivers-project: Classification results based on UAV data of project s...
Spatially and temporally high-resolution data was acquired with the aid of multispectral sensors mounted on UAV and a gyrocopter platform for the purpose of classification. The... -
Orthobild Freiburg i. Br. - 2011 (20cm)
Aerial survey of the entire Freiburg city district in spring 2011. The grid resolution is 20 cm, the data is "Open Data".