Hunting grounds, 2023-2024.01
Overview of the hunting areas included in approved hunting plans. A hunting ground is a contiguous area that consists of one or more plots on which the same hunting right holder... -
Sewage treatment plants UWWTD 2018, status 16/07/2020
Coordinates of individual treatment plants that must be reported according to European Council Directive 91/271/EEC on urban waste water. -
WMS Flemish Agency for Care and Health
Web Map Service with data about the care zones of the Flemish Agency for Care and Health -
WMS Statistical Sectors
Web Map Service with data from the Statistical sectors of Belgium, determined by Statbel - Statistics Belgium. -
Operational areas of wildlife management units, status 28/07/2023
Overview of the operating areas of the game management units recognized by the Flemish Government as referred to in Art 12 of the Hunting Decree. A game management unit is a... -
Management areas Natura 2000 species, Status 11/8/2017
Overview of the areas, located in Flanders, within which a management agreement for Natura 2000 species (montane harrier, red shrike, corncrake and hamster) can be concluded, as... -
Orthophoto mosaic, medium scale, winter images
WMS with the time series of medium-scale orthophoto mosaics (winter images) with a resolution of 25cm (until 2021) and 15cm (from 2022), area-wide for Flanders -
Digital forest guide Flanders 2009
The Boswijzer is a land cover map of forests. The Forest Guide defines forest based on the following criteria: (a) forest area at least 0.5 ha, (b) length/width ratio at least... -
Field bird species management areas, Status 11/8/2017
Overview of the areas, located in Flanders, within which a management agreement for field birds (corn bunting, yellowhammer, skylark, partridge, yellow wagtail, tree sparrow and... -
Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units
Vector file of areas as referred to in the INSPIRE theme 'Area management/restricted areas/regulated areas and reporting units'. The elements come from the 'Boundaries of... -
Geographical classification of water systems, 28/04/2023
The Flemish government strives for sustainable development of water systems in Flanders. A water system is a coherent and functional whole of surface water, groundwater,... -
Po basin, risk, polygonal geometry
The polygonal geometry cartography, in relation to the type of exposed elements considered, in relation to the scope of the Unit of Management (UoM) Po Basin Authority (ITN008),... -
Coastal defense works - 1982
The 'Catalogue of defense works' contains information relating to the coastal protections present both at sea and in the hinterland of the Emilia-Romagna coast. These works have... -
Dataset viewing service: P.T.A.M.C. - C01 Bathymetry
The dataset contains the updated shore line in the stretches of beach and natural coast, which does not include the perimeter of the coastal maritime works, and the... -
Perimeterization of areas with landslide danger derived from the inventory of...
Information layer elaborated extracted from the Basin Authority - Hydrogeological Plan and Landslide Risk 10ke cut out on a buffer of 500m from the municipal border. Excerpt... -
Coast Line - Coast Line 2005
Mapping and classification of the shore line, according to the RER methodology, based on aerial photos. Field testing has not been carried out. -
The dataset contains the location on the map of the Control Points in the Municipality of Florence (by the Civil Protection). -
Mountain resources and development database - Travertine deposits in Limeston...
Georeferenced vector database, containing the areas bearing reports of travertine deposits, mainly associated with springs or "Limestone Precipitating Springs", detected at a... -
Administrative Limit - (LAM_GLI) 2019 Edition - 100k
It corresponds to the axis of the conventional sign, simplified for scales from 1:50000 to 1:250000, and represents the geometric position of the border line. It coincides with... -
School catchments
List of schools