Level curves
Linear representation of the contour lines of the CTRN 5000 -
Recovery of products used to capture R7 pollutants (RPCI)
The document Regional location criteria for waste recovery and disposal plants is the tool that defines the criteria for identifying suitable and unsuitable areas for the... -
the faults affecting the carbonate basement are reported -
R3 fertilizer production (PFERT)
The document Regional location criteria for waste recovery and disposal plants is the tool that defines the criteria for identifying suitable and unsuitable areas for the... -
PPR - UC Int. real estate architectural art historian
The layer contains the alphanumeric data and the geometries of the cadastral maps relating to the historical-architectural assets of the FVG having particular value from a... -
Elements at Risk
Within the areas where the danger of the instability has been defined, the vulnerable elements have been defined (buildings, roads, areas with potential urban expansion) -
Database and inventory of natural stable meadows
Database and inventory of natural stable meadows -
FVG Municipalities 2014
Administrative limits of the Municipalities of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region updated to 1 January 2014. -
Forest roads
Collection of the main truckable and tractorable roads with stabilized bottom (gravel or armored) of strict forestry interest both from the point of view of timber extraction... -
Forest roads
Collection of the main truckable and tractorable roads with stabilized bottom (gravel or armored) of strict forestry interest both from the point of view of timber extraction... -
PPR - Notable points
As part of the preparation of the contents relating to both the statutory part of the PPR and the strategic part, and in particular in connection with the activities carried out... -
Landslide events - historical data
Since November 2002, the Mountain Territory and Maintenance Service has had an archive of reports of instability events coming from technicians who work in the area and... -
Groundwater debris
Groundwater debris, slope deposits, accumulations of large blocks. -
IAF UD checks
GNSS surveys to control PSR contributions 2007-2013 for forestation measures (mainly poplar) under the responsibility of the Agriculture and Forestry Inspectorate of Udine -
Aerial frames
Analogue and digital photographic images produced for the aerial photogrammetric restitutions of the Regional Technical Paper in scale 1:5000 -
LIDAR 2019 survey of the coast
The Lidar survey of the coast was carried out from Goro to Rimini, towards the sea the limit was set so as to include all the defense structures at sea, considered an integral... -
Layer arrangement
Orientation of layer surfaces described by direction, inclination and direction. -
Landslide events - historical data
Since November 2002, the Mountain Territory and Maintenance Service has had an archive of reports of instability events coming from technicians who work in the area and... -
Forest Management Plans
The sustainable management of forest resources in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region has been taking place for decades through an extensive planning activity, which involves the... -
Seismic classes D.M. 1/11/1982
Revision of the seismic zoning (on a municipal basis) in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, with the confirmation of the municipalities already classified with a seismicity...